RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Damn ETA is this Wednesday coming with UPS!

Sound demo with Swan Oasis 140 with/without Swan M10 Plus sub.
(phone mic but should give you an idea.)

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Conservation of energy law says no

(wasnt serious lol, otherwise you have a perpetual energy source)

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Sealed 12” drivers can get closer to 25Hz audible but just.

Add a second or third sub and mix them in amplitude and phase to get the most out of the room. Imagine smooth waves throughout the space. Constructive and destructive interference is your friend to smooth modes.

Umik mic and REW are another deep well to explore.

Haha yeah but way too big for me. That 8 inch passive radiator design from CA was my limit. (a bit smaller than other 8 inch, otherwise I would have gotten that 6 inch ported from Argon Audio.)

Hahah looking at this gave me the thought, how much I would love to have this as a soft toy😂

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Haha big brain idea, can now connect iems/buds/hps under the table without having a cable dangling on top of my keyboard/desk AND it is stretchable.


(If using a 4.4mm cable, just need a female 4.4mm → 3.5mm male adapter at the end of this chain.)

Now it would be perfect if only my Schiit Asgard 3 had a switch for changing outputs manually…as it just swaps to the 6.35mm output whenever something is plugged in. So cant have this chain permanently attached to it. Not sure if there is an amp with a switch like that?


Subbbbbbb hereeeeeee

Almost went nuts when I saw the UK power cable… luckily I saw the other one moments later

Sold as refurbished “B” tier, but looks like new to me.


It was probably a return then, or just had an issue with the driver or plate amp; I feel like a lot of “B” stock is just units returned for various reasons.


Anything to look out for?

Not that I know of, just surmising why a refub unit or “B” stock would be close to immaculate. If she powers up then I wouldn’t worry.

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Seems like there are no issues!


(that “piano gloss” is a huge fingerprint magnet on that Minx X301.)

My first impressions of this sub, compared to the one that came in the M10 Plus is that diminshing returns hit HARD and/or that the M10 Plus sub (or more like it in its entirety) is such a god damn good value. As this Minx X301 doesnt really seem to extend THAT much lower than the X301, and they are both on the tighter side (more textured and a bit tighter on the X301) but of course it does sound better…just not mind blowingly good in comparison or anywhere near 4x better like the MSRP value of the M10 Plus compared to the Cambridge Audio Minx X301.

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The Minx may benefit if you reposition; I know that you’re tight for space but optimal placement for subs is HUGE to get the most out of them in your listening position. I’d do the sub crawl and see if you can dial it in more that way, especially if the specs show it hitting much lower.


Yeah I know about the subcrawl (no one will see me doing it) but this is the only spot I got for it sadly.

As for the specs, I wonder if it may be because of this.

Odd “-6db” where I believe its usually -3db (or ±3db?).

And I mean, they are both pretty much in the same spot, so if one is in a bad spot, the other is as well, so the conditions are the same…

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There’s a chance you have a null at your listening postion somewhere in the 30s if you don’t hear much of a difference. The M10 sub also doesn’t specify what output there is at 55 (+/- 0db? -10?) so that makes the spec kinda useless. You may want to use a microphone to see the realtime output using something like this video:

Personally, I use my phone and the app “Spectroid” which gives a 0-1000hz live reading for gain, with both a pause and max hold reset function. With the bass sweep in that video, you can more easily see where you have a hole or peak in your bass response.

If you can’t move it, then you’ll either have to diagnose with DSP or live with it, unfortunately. I can tell you from recent experience dialing in an SVS 3000 Micro in a hotel room, position is EVERYTHING with subs, and it’s usually a matter of lateral movement more than vertical. The interaction of room modes can NOT be understated; even 6ft along the same wall can be night and day in a given listening position.

Edit: and I know that compromises are often made depending on room, setup and living situations but physics are physics. If you have a track that you know dips into the 30’s and 40’s, you could also try running the M10’s sub and Minx A/B while you walk around the room to see if you find the bass that seems to be missing. That could also help to figure out if it’s just a positioning issue or if DR really did hit that hard.


True. But their (swan) other (OS-10, M-50WMKIII & Oasis-140) speakers do use ±3db so that is what i assume applies here as well.

To be specific, with this:
(low volume)
On the M10 Plus, it is audible until 40hz, where at 39hz I would say its within placebo range if its on/off. But with the X301, it is audible all the way to 20hz, with 19hz being within placebo range.

So the extension IS CLEARLY better, just that the actual GAIN doesnt seem to be that much higher (and probably wont matter in actual listening).

its the same if I (Myself) move elsewhere in the room though, with the test above.

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Gotcha. You could always try adjusting gain with EQ to see if you get additional output down low but I think everything sounds pretty good here as far as testing goes (that sine generator site is fantastic btw, I use that a ton as well!). Anecdotally, I have found that most subs realistically start to lose even gain ~26-27hz in room, at least in terms of perception. You get rumble below that but it’s less an audible event and more of a “sensation”, if that makes sense. You may get more gain with repositioning of the X301, but again, that’s entirely up to you and your setup’s limitations. It’s also up to you whether that’s worth the extra $$$ for the X301 or not, of course.
How are your feelings about the sound of the Oasis-140 vs the M10 speakers?

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Absolutely, im still in the listening and tuning phase after all. And this IS the type of bass I was expecting from a sealed radiator design and what i wanted so im not complaining.

Currently now that I have a damn sub for the oasis-140 and I can let the M10 Plus have its brother back. The oasis-140 does indeed sound better than the M10 Plus (so far) with much more balanced signature and warmer, where the M10 Plus sounds more V-shaped with recessed lower mids and a bit more spicy/airy/fun treble (although still smooooth). The Oasis-140 is also noticeably “bigger” sounding with more width in the soundstage.

Oh and, the enclosure difference is HUGE on them. Not only in looks but also in their effects on the sound as the M10 Plus satellites do have some vibrations coming from it. But the Oasis-140 is very minimal. (not really a surprise I guess when there is such a weight difference in between…(likely 3x heavier on the oasis).)


Overall though, if you get a sub in the 100 usd range (I ASSUME standalone subs in that range WILL be better than the one that comes in the M10 Plus) and an amp for the oasis-140, THAT is a great value setup. And for the amp, I think you are fine without a High pass filter for the oasis…the natural roll-off is damn steep as it is…

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