Yeah, IMO my ideal iem would probably be a DD (bass-mids-treble) + EST (upper-treble). Since single DD´s weakness tend to be in the upper-treble area with a big roll-off.
That’s what I’ve been thinking. Zen + EST.
Yeah, IMO my ideal iem would probably be a DD (bass-mids-treble) + EST (upper-treble). Since single DD´s weakness tend to be in the upper-treble area with a big roll-off.
That’s what I’ve been thinking. Zen + EST.
Zen/EX1000 + EST = The dream iem
FiiO rates their own IEMs and I only see one 10 there. So according to FiiO the FH5s beats the FD5 in resolution and treble, but loses in the bass. Doesn’t sound like an FH3 upgrade but it does sound like what I might be interested in.
Yeah, but I usually don’t really pay much attention stuff like this is coming directly from the brand itself.
But looks like for bass, FD5 is still nr1 choice
Build quality on the chaconne itself is as expected, pretty good. Although it does have a sharp edge at the top vent:
One thing I have to mention is that the included accessories are pretty crappy for a bud at this price…
You only get 1 carry case, 1 shirt clip and 10 pairs of low-density full foams (which are very fragile and makes my ears itch as well, I already broke a pair, which has never happened before except on some buds in a 5 usd bud…), I have seen buds at 1/3 of the Chaconne´s price that include better accessories…
Well, here are my impressions for the Moondrop Chaconne:
Before I get into the sound, I will just mention that it passes my comfort and study test, seeing as I didn’t have any problems with comfort nor sound (not fatiguing) using it while studying for around 2 hours. Although the comfort isn’t as good as some other buds due to it having some more weight to it, it didn’t bother me too much but it could be because I am used to iems (they generally weight more than buds).
Setup: Schiit Asgard 3, full foams (NOT STOCK FOAMS)
Bass: Typical bud bass in pretty much every aspect, low quantity and high quality due to it being very fast and tight but lacking extension and rumble. Mid-bass texture is pretty good though, but sub-bass is lacking a lot of texture, quantity and rumble. Nothing really special here, you have heard this kind of bass from a bud if you have heard other buds already.
Mids: Male vocals do have some warmth and it does sound very natural due to the timbre. But as with most buds, it still lacks some warmth, it is very clean however. Female vocals…. are epic, they are really good. Clean and very detailed without being fatiguing at all.
Treble: Extension is great without being peaky at all. Very non-fatiguing but still very clean and detailed.
Tonality: Very well balanced but is slightly leaning towards warmth. The timbre is as you expect from a bud, very good.
Technicalities: Imaging, instrument separation and details are extremely good. Soundstage is huge, probably the biggest out of all my buds.
Conclusion: Is it worthy of having TOTL status? Yes, absolutely. If you love mids/treble and don’t mind low bass quantity, then this is probably endgame material. Also, if you have the Moondrop VX Classic (@Not_Daijoubu ), this is a true upgrade to that. Sounds very similar to it in tonality but refined on all aspects.
That’s very promising to hear from you. Thanks for the impressions.
I do not have the VX, just the Namless. But with how you describe the tonality, I think I’ll take the jump when it goes on sale.
edit: how is the cable feel? Stiff like Nameless or supple enough like typical IEM cables?
oh lol.
I will try the nameless a bit later.
Stiff? I wouldnt call the Nameless cable stiff lol. The Chaconne is actually stiffer than it, guess being 4 cores instead of 2 is one factor for that.
Huh. I find the Nameless cable to be notably stiffer than the one on my SSR or Blessing 2. Well, no matter, as long as the cable works.
I’ve dealt with various Koss cables so I can’t complain :^)
Can you take a look at my review for the nameless and check if it’s the same cable you got?
same cable, though maybe they changed the clear insulation around the cable? idk. Or maybe I’m just spoiled by the SSR cable haha.
Not really a big deal, it’s good enough. I just find it has some memory that’s troublesome to straighten after leaving it wrapped in a coil for a while.
Ok, tried the Nameless and they do sound very similar. The bigger soundstage on the Chaconne do affect how you perceive the tonality, but they are still generally quite similar.
I say that the Moondrop buds are done in a way that, if you like one of them. Its likely you like them all.
Nameless < VX Classic << Chaconne
Any plans to try out the EM5 and EM3? I find it odd that there’s such a huge price difference between those, you’d assume they would also target a market somewhere in between, maybe there’ll be an EM4 for around €179 at some point.
I was offered the EM5 when it was first released actually. I declined lol.
Not really interested in them TBH.
EM5 are the only earbuds with actual bass. They require some EQ to get there, but they do actually get there.
Treble is super raw and unsweetened, typical Fiio treble. Too much and too honest for me.
I sold mine as I couldn’t use them in my noisy environment. Sounded great with EQ in quiet rooms.
The treble was the area I was worried about, since it sounded very similar (from others impressions) to the DQSM Turandot which is also bad with the treble…(sounds like typical chi-fi with boosted sharp treble to increase perceived details/clairty and with a boosted bass that is a bit unclean)
Whispers “Hyla Sarda…”
Too rich for me.