RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Im fine with it. Go ahead. :+1:

My intention with this thread when I created it was to share my thoughts/impressions/reviews with you guys. (and also to act as a “backup” if I got banned from head-fi lol.)

But it evolved into this little community that I appreciate and enjoy sharing my thoughts with. So if anyone wants to share something feel free to do so.


The FH5s are beautiful, i am waiting for your review but BGGA’s was not positive, like at all! lol
Apparently it has something to do with the BA right on the nozzle…

Awesome. I enjoy our discussions and I hope our impressions might help you with your reviews. I’m a hobbyist and not interested in actually taking the time to get into in-depth reviews (@Rikudou_Goku I have tons of respect for all the time and work your put into your reviews and gear suggestions). I like talking about the differences I hear in my personal gear, hearing others perspectives and possibly helping someone else. I’m not trying to steal anyone’s thunder. I hope we all bring something to the table where we can all have fun, help one another and maybe even make some friends along the way.


Saw the title of his video, havent watched it since I dont want to get influenced by it lol.

It does when it comes to the pricier stuff that I havent really touched.

Thank you very much!

@Rikudou_Goku I told you so…

@Rikudou_Goku GIve me some good news here! lol

I dont have problems with it being shouty or anything like that. But the timbre isnt that very good. when it comes to the treble.

Meh… It is what it is. If it’s a dud, then it’s a dud. I think we felt it coming. The FH3 timbre was probably its weakest point. As always, take your time and come to your conclusions.

I will come out with first impressions soon.


lol sorry, my bad.

I’ve been listening to some Video Game OSTs today with the FD5 and the Marvel Vs Capcom 2 soundtrack just makes me fall in love with my FD5 even more. Funky Jazz works real well.

Curious to know your thoughts on the FH5s! Sounds like it’s gonna be a divisive iem right from the get go.


And there go my dreams of the fh5s making my decision between these and the fd5 an easy one :persevere:.

Fiio FH5S (default switch) first impressions:

Bass: Average extension, not a lot of rumble as well. On the cleaner side due to it not being elevate that much together with average speed, tightness and texture.

Mids: decent details and clarity, but has hints of BA timbre especially with the female vocals.

Treble: Airy treble and isn’t shouty to me, but BA timbre is present.

Technicalities: Besides having a very big soundstage, the imaging, instrument separation and details are average. Timbre is overall slightly below average (for the 300 usd range).

Thoughts: Pretty average so far with nothing that really stands out among the competition besides the soundstage. (I consider the 300 usd range iems to be its competition, because if you are spending 260 you might as well consider stuff in the entire 250-350 usd range…)


The Mangird Tea IMO is the king of that price range.

Thanks for the fast impressions.


this brings back a lot of memories,

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What’s wrong with the timbre on these ones? I am reading and hearing that some people don’t like the mid’s timbre of the FH3 as well but I don’t get why… I really like their timbre overall. My MH1’s timbre is different but I like them too. My Portas and 75 also have loveable timbre. Maybe some people look for some very specific timbre that suits their taste and just look for that?

Tbh I don’t think I fully get the concept of timbre yet, never heard anything weird about the FH3.

Aren’t the mids supposed to be handled by the second DD? (Maybe not the upper mids / female vocal territory though?)

Look what just arrived! :slight_smile: Thanks @Mr_Makua


Niiiice! Very curious to hear your thoughts on them.

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Fast reactions. Not going to listen long because of the sinus issues but am actually feeling very good tonight.

Very shallow fit. Have to use the largest tips I have (not a fan of deep insertion).

Dynamic slam for days.

These will be great with metal.

The bass is the highlight of this set. Deep bass extension and tons of punch and slam.

The MMCX connectors are the best I’ve seen. Not too tight and not too lose with the perfect click when connected. DUNU know cables and connectors.

The unboxing was perfect. Everything looked like new. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one who is meticulous about not destroying the packaging.