Rumors and new releases thread

but a better paint job, right?

it looks like two of the three shells… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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This might be old news, but was new to me:


no clue, but we can hope.

The best yogurt is in Bulgaria, the bacterium is ours and lives only here - Lactubacillus bulgaricus. :laughing:


…rumored. :face_with_monocle:

Just saw this on Head-Fi …

Holy …. $3000 for a 2 pin. Man, that made my jaw drop.

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Pick your jaw up :+1:


No. The original yogurt comes from here.

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… allegedly. :wink:

It’s not like that. The bacterium lives alone here. The other is not yogurt but cream :laughing:

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The build quality looks pretty good!

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The Urds design is inspire by a lake. Looks beautiful.

I bought the 3.5mm to 1/4" last year. Good build, as on my TC35B units.

It looks nice, I just question why…

I can see it being pretty helpful to some, if you have portable gear that’s balanced but a desktop amp that’s single ended, might be a nice thing to have in ultrashort adapter form

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t this be an extremely niche usecase? Unless I’m mistaken, most any, if not all headphones/IEMs that would use a pentacon connector also have a detachable cable. For $40, it doesn’t seem too unreasonable to think you could buy a separate cable.

Ah didn’t look at the price, 40 bucks is a bit much, I would have expected 20 or under. But on the cable note, not everyone wants to swap out their entire cable each time they want to listen to a different amp. If you had multiple headphones/iems that you used mainly on the go or mainly at the desk there wouldn’t be much reason for this, but if you use your stuff 50/50 on something with bal or se, I still think this would still be nicer than having to constantly swap cables.

Also keep in mind that cables are likely designed to handle more wear and tear on the amp side connector rather than the headphone side, which is why I personally wouldn’t suggest constantly unplugging and replugging cables into the headphones themselves. And with iems it’s kinda an exacerbated problem, because constantly unplugging 2 pin or moreso mmcx is more hassle and also going to have a higher potential of damaging something than unplugging replugging the amp side connector

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plugging in an adapter is more convenient than swapping cables…so I can see it’s attraction there.

Then you’ve got modular solutions like what HAC does, and Skedra can do the same thing. I get this another option, it just confuses me a bit. More seems like another option to throw in the pot.