Rumors and new releases thread

yep and it makes sense from the manufacturers view, why would they put more resources into the SE port when the majority will most likely be using the balanced one.

There’s a few user manuals of amps I’ve read that urge you to use the balanced out since they straight up say the se is lackluster in comparison lol. In order to get the SE to sound just as good, they’d likely have to build 2 separate amps inside, one for se and one for bal, and at that point why bother, just either go fully balanced or go se lol

new shouer product, looks like a budget set


Reddit link

IE600 guess from Rikudou_Goku would fit.


People are already saying it is the IE600, interesting.

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lol you posted my tweet.


you’re just saying that because the names are blotted. first we have cultural* appropriation and now this… :rofl:

*appropriation, what as crock. :man_facepalming:

that’s my golden retriever (english cream)


It is the IE600


Zzz :sleeping:

Sennheiser, give us a new flagship audiophile headphone already… that isn’t a collaboration “re-release” with everything that users didn’t ask for.

I mean, this is probs exciting news to some, but I think way more people are waiting for a new Sennhesier headphone. All these other companies are rolling out with fascinating new models, and then you have Sennheiser, with arguably the greatest budget of them all just sitting there and…

I’d have liked to see a modern HE60 replacement, that would be sweet (but I also am not personally keen on a scaled down version of the HE1 and would rather see something more in line with the HE90 scaled down, but again lol), but I’m not surprised they are catering to the IEM market more here, that’s something that they both were falling behind in when it came to sales and popularity, and it’s a larger growing market than headphones are. Iems have been rapidly advancing where headphones really haven’t changed all that much in most price brackets outside of moving increasingly higher end. They don’t really have a reason to release new headphones as much as they do iems. I’d assume still steady sales of their best sellers, so if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? I’m sure if they did come out with something, they wouldn’t discontinue their current higher end (like I’d be shocked if they discontinued the 600, 650, and 800s) because that would cause a lot of problems for them from a PR perspective most likely. But then if you are still going to be pressured into producing the old one, where’s the motivation/worthwhileness of working on a new one?

This isn’t to say senn shouldn’t work on a new headphone, I’d like one too, but I can just see why that isn’t their largest priority at this point


This, they didnt have any iems in between the IE300/900, a very big gap was left empty there.

Your turn to post the link to the IE600 on twitter with a text like “nobody wanted another IEM, sennheiser”


In the headphone space they have (relatively) budget headphones covered, a solid selection of midrange cans, and then their previously high end now entry high end option being the 800s. Not counting the HE1 since that’s more a statement piece rather than something that they expect to make money off of. I do think they are now lacking an option where the HE60 used to sit to compete with the new market in the 5k ish range there, but they seem to be doing just fine without competing in that range so I wonder if they just don’t feel the need to do that. And all those headphones are still fairly popular and compete very well for the price point despite their age.

With the new iem releases, their older iems (before the 900 and 300) were really aging and falling behind the rest of the market to some extent, with not really much popularity left so I bet sales weren’t great, so it makes sense to now put more priority there, and now fill in that middle price point between the 900 and 300

I’d rather they wait until they feel they are actually ready to release a can to properly either replace or live alongside what they have now, I would hate to see them pull a beyer and replace their current flagship with something noticeably worse imo (and also release lesser versions of their budget staples as well, but perhaps I’m being too harsh lol), rather than push something out just for the sake of having something new. They did just recently (in senn terms) release new options in their entry level (560s) and midrange (660s) can options, so I wonder if a new flagship is the next priority there (they did recently sell an anniversary edition 800s, so wonder if that’s a signal they are working on something new to replace/live alongside it?)

And also the whole selling the consumer part of the company basically, and opening a new factory, which I’d assume was also something that could have potentially delayed the release of any new potential headphones


Sennheiser deff knows what its doing. It has always been playing wise and safe. Business first, after all.

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Aria special edition

Kinera Urd


Same tuning as the regular one btw




and…am I the only one that thinks it looks really ugly? :joy:


Looks like it’s sponsored by Guinness…a creamy head but no yogurt? :rofl: