Rumors and new releases thread

Ayo… please be good, please be good, please be good. Please don’t disappoint, please don’t disappoint…

Source:The surface of Mars or...? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -


I got nosy, couldn’t help myself but searching for “Sennheiser leaks”, and this came up:

Only 1 month old, which means this could be it. According to the guy, they are going to go hard on the marketing, so it could very likely be it.

Momentum 4, eh? boo…nothing to get excited about :stuck_out_tongue:

now an HD6- would be, as they have a lot of room to fill that family out with. HD610…620…630…640…670…680…690…LoL!


Agreed, but just to clarify, it’s not confirmed what exactly is being released. We just know it’s an addition to the audiophile lineup

No HD6X0 anymore. It gets time for an HD900…

By the way…


Oh god! the one with the hentai shit. Jeezus, that is indeed still fresh in my mind.

In all seriousness, that’s just plain incompetence from Moondrop from a PR Standpoint, and lately I have not been into them. (Still love my Katos, and it seems that is the only good thing that came out from them, I could say the same with the Quarks and Aria, Blessing 2 sure if I have one.)


Actually, maybe its the IE600?

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We will see :man_shrugging:t2:

iBasso DX320 Announced


Also looks like an amp13 module, @Ohmboy will be happy about that


Yup, we have known about the AMP13 for quite some time now. Some are disappointed that it’s single-ended…

But damn, I’m really excited about the new DX320. It will be interesting to hear how it differs from the DX300 and the DX300 MAX.

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SE only? breaker for me :cry: still I don’t use it otg so the good 'ol MT-604 will have to suffice till I can afford a C9 lol.


SE only? What a piece of crap… :wink:

Yep all my IEM’s now nice new and well chosen 4.4mm cables to go with my DX312 ain’t no way I’m going back :joy:

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Yeah. It’d fit right in with my switches…

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Wouldn’t say that!

However, I can see why it’s a big deal breaker for many. I like using my 4.4 balanced cables, so it is only an inconvenience for me.

I was just being facetious! I’m sure it’s an OK unit. But it not being balanced is a deal breaker for me. Something that ridiculously priced and you don’t make it balanced? PFFFT…

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Honestly most pricey tube amps aren’t balanced either, it’s not always desirable depending on the design, they could probably give you balanced output, but a fair amount of the time those tube amps with balanced output are only really for convenience and sound just as good single ended (since they are typically internally single ended with a transformer or an active circuit to give you balanced out). I wouldn’t expect a tube amp that small to be able to fit a fully balanced design given the form factor either, so it’s probably also a space limitation as well. So far I’ve not seen a portable fully balanced tube design yet (actually cayin has done it with nutubes since those are more space efficient, but not real tubes), so I’m not surprised they stuck with single ended here

I’d just grab a nice bal to se adapter and call it a day if you wanted one, personally don’t mind having an adapter if it’s not that intrusive and decent quality. The whole balanced is just a design choice and doesn’t inherently sound better than single ended thing yada yada


Nah, that’s cool. Like I said, I’m sure it’s fine, but I prefer balanced. I have done many tests with balanced and single ended, and every time my ears say balanced. That’s just me. I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule, and that’s fine. They just don’t interest me.

Sure, but are you testing that bal vs se on a balanced amp? Or with a se amp vs a balanced amp? Since if you are using the single ended out on a balanced amp, then you are just ignoring half the circuit most of the time or summing to single ended from the balanced output, which will sound worse (on a balanced amp, the single ended output is only for convenience really). If you have a balanced amp, use it balanced, I’m just saying that a pure single ended design can sound just as good as if not better than a fully balanced design, all depends on the amp, balanced is simply a design choice. I’d bet they’d sacrifice sound quality on the ibasso tube module by trying to make it balanced so they just went with se in the end because that was more feasible to design and have it still sound good. But idk, I’m not an amp designer nor have any inside info on the design of the ibasso lol, just going off my own experiences