Rumors and new releases thread




REALLY funny


Chinesium brand at its best :man_facepalming:


there is / was a crazy firestorm of comments on reddit about how Moondrop took Apple’s M1 ad and just changed the wording. colors, etc are all identical.

Apple is not someone you wanna piss off…so I sorta wonder if they will pursue Moondrop on this in China.

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… I think it’s just noise.

In reality, do you think Apple gives a single f about a small company using its marketing layout?

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yes. yes I do.

whether it’s worth pursuing is an entirely different thing.



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Fair enough.

I just don’t think Apple can be bothered enough.

In fact, I did see Moondrop mentioning that they referenced “M1” on their Facebook… whatever that means.

Either way, I don’t think anything will happen, and to be frank I don’t care. As far as my opinion goes, I think it should stay between Apple and Moondrop.

Come on now :joy:

That’s an entirely different thing. Logo is a completely different subject. I mean that logo looks like :poop: and it can also be confused with F1.

Big brands protect their identity, and logos are a whole different story because they actually carry identity.

You could argue that the marketing pic from Moondrop (mis)carries Apple’s M1 identity, but I don’t think anything will come out of this.

Apple is like Disney, they can very much be bothered. They guard anything they see as theirs fanatically.


It wouldn’t surprise me if they did pursue them, but at the end of the day, the situation isn’t of any interest to me. I like to leave the business to the business owners and follow for new products or product updates

Moondrop have been a right bunch of dicks lately what with “Yogurtgate” and now this….wouldn’t be at all surprised if this didn’t finish them off tbh.

RIP Moondrop I for one won’t miss you :wave:

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Apple M1 advertising rip off because the Moondrop X colorfly CDA M1 dongle dac has M1 in the name.

Headfi link for the not moondrop version

4.4mm balanced: 200mW@RL=32Ω
3.5mm audio: 100mW@RL=32Ω

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Oh ok, now, you see, this is where the lawsuit comes in.

This is pure theft of Apple’s M1 identity and marketing. How disappointing… I mean, how hard can it be to create a marketing campaign? All it takes is some creativity. I know one thing, and that’s that the marketing team got real lazy when they did this — or it was a carefully planned thing that Moondrop itself was behind.

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New Hifiman R2R DAC amp

Allegedly drives Susvara well. No price announced yet.


if the number scheme determines the price it’ll only be $7200 if the ef1000 is $18k lol. does hifiman actually sell any of their amps or just send them to reviewers to get praise and say they did it?

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Is it just me, or does it look like it was designed to slide into a server rack? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think it’s you. Personally, i could more easily see Emotiva’s amps/pre’s/processors being able to be rack mounted