Rumors and new releases thread

For those of us who like to EQ.

Crinacle graph tool is getting an AutoEQ feature which calculates EQ values for IEM/ Headphones to a default target or other Headphones / IEMs

I know You can do something similar with AutoEQ and REW but this seems a lot easier with the database behind it. Not sure how much will be behind the pay wall though.

Seems like EQ to the IEF target shows the graph correctly. Use another headphone as the target gives out the “are You gonna pay for that” message and shows no graph but still gives out the EQ values.


The Beyer pads are compatible with the Grado Adapter, and they could be bundled together.

Between the Beyers and the Senns, the Senns also had the option of Perforated Suede, but they are sold out as I am writing this post… hopefully the Beyers also get Perforated Suede. Also, it’s kind of hard to see, but the Senn pads also have a “tilt” much like other ZMF pads.

New Meze IEM. Wonder if it is actually their own or some cheap OEM like their others (referring to Crinacles Meze / Dankpods “rant” video.

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This is nice, but the one thing missing is the max gain, which I think by default is 6db. So if the differences are bigger than that, you may not actually get the desired result. You can obviously change this use the python version of AutoEQ. I just extract the two curves (the headphone being eq’d and the target headphone) using WebPlotDigitizer, and then I set the target as a compensation/target curve.

For instance I wanted to EQ my ER2SE to match the IE600, I needed to increase the Max gain. Ended up with a +14.30 @ 11Hz (Q 0.62).


Never created an AutoEQ myself so I am not sure what You mean with 6db Max. CrinGraph gives out higher values than 6db if necessary (like 11db in the picture)

Ah, i see. My mistake. Although I am getting quite different results when trying the online implementation vs my own efforts.

My own EQ curve:

The one created on via the website:

To me the former looks more correct, judging the curves.

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These are supposed to be ER2SE > IE300?

The bass boost on the second picture looks really wrong. Think You EQ’ed to IEF Target!?
Bass boost on your first picture looks much better but there I miss a big reduction at ~2.8KHz
My result with Crin

Edit: Ah, just saw Your target was IE600 not 300. Explains the missing 2.8kHz area, the IE600 is not recessed there. Guess my brain is also not at 100% today.

I should go back to bed, brain obviously running on 25% normal power.

Yes, that seemed to EQ to IEF.

New curve from website (values slightly different from yours).

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The thing for everyone to note is that this should give you some general idea of the sound, but I expect the differences in individual ear canals, insertion depth, resonances etc will limit how close the sound will truly be.

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Finally I can automagically EQ my Blessing2 to the Raycon Curve

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no trig input
class A/B


Why do separates insist on living in the 70s. The idea that im going to walk up to my rack (or that I even have a whole ass hifi rack :shushing_face:) and flip every component on one by one, every time i want to listen is insane.

It probably sounds good, and I like the W I D E look with it being so thin but, damn yall. Please let me wake my system from my streamer.

It is called “Power Sequencing” and there are devices to automate that for you :wink:

LOL! I actually love “operating the system”. Switches, knobs… I love them all! But that is just me. I hear what you are saying. A cool all-in-one solution where one button does the trick has its appeal. Having said that, as @MazeFrame was saying, that process can be automated.

If I have levers, knobs and switches, I want an audible cue when using them. powering up or down is an excellent example. I loved CRT TVs for thst as a kid.

See the Deva Pro wired open-box on HFM’s site at $169. The difference of the wireless pro was the “R2R” component, but I believe this also came with stealth magnet revision on drivers which would represent the difference between original Deva/5xx. Curious to hear about anyone’s experience.

Call me boring or stupid but…


I made it a bit more interesting to the Hi-fi community :rofl:

No offense! Just for fun :blush:


Right, we are Audiophile. I forgot.

Seriously, is there a correct order to turn on devices with poweramps ? Like to not have a DAC turn on pop noise amplified with 400 Watt or so?

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SMSL is pumping out some stuff. They start to remind of KZ, releasing the same things in new cases.


new moondrop is out, not particularly interesting BUT they do come with moondrop spring tips, probably in all 3 sizes, which would be way cheaper than buying all 3 sizes separately