Rumors and new releases thread

Certainly people should be cautious about units that measure this badly but I also agree that how it sounds is more important than how it measures. That being said, I’m not sure I’d trust any influencers or YouTube reviewers enough to base a purchase on this. I have the Dethonray Honey H1 and I really like it and like a lot what Dethonray does, but this … need more feedback from the community in general.


That’s why you use multiple sources for any product, to be honest. There will almost always be early adoption, and that gives some kind of a user base to go off of. On the other hand, you get written and video reviewers to give a more “professional” review. Use multiple of each

$750 USD


is it just me or is that a LONGGGG nozzle?

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That nozzle looks like it wants to tell Etymotic “hold my beer”


I’m guessing it’ll have a similar sound signature (neutral) to my latest purchase the BTR7, it should be a good alternative to something that colours the sound like the micro iDSD Signature for powering Headphones.

Bluetooth support probably means Fiio control App is required and Parametric EQ is supported.

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Eww… 750…more expensive than the Gryphon, didn’t expect that. But 3000mW sounds nice, hope it is not at 16 Ohm or only when a power supply is plugged in. Think the M17 had a mode like that.

AMT IEM’s in coming!?

The GL-AMT16 uses a 15.5mm diameter polymer-plated metal diaphragm. Due to the unique structure of the Air Motion Transformer diaphragm, the actual area of this diaphragm can reach 55*16mm when fully expanded, which is much larger than the general planar or dynamic driver products in terms of diaphragm area. The world’s first full range IEM design by an AMT transducer technology and N52 magnet deliver a rich sound stage listen to experience in the earphone market,fast and accurate transient response.

Have to watch this later. Hope they turn out good. At the same time I have some doubts because the “only” 50mm baby planar. Curawong sometimes get things really early, with the yamaha it makes sense I guess because he is located in japan.

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But you should have a reference point, I guess a better thing to say is don’t just have this be your only source it’s good to have something that measures well which tons do and a few things that mess everything up to give you a unique experience. But this should definitely not be your only or your main source by any stretch.

Interesting, though it could go very well, very bad, or meh. My bet is either the former or the latter.

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My guess is on meh. The tuning of their AMT Over Ear was already kind off (or at least very soft / audeze style). Don’t think it will be easier in an IEM.

Their ribbon driver headphone got better reviews. Ribbon driver IEM’s next year !?

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Audio Technica AYH-W2022, MSRP $9000 (rumor, ie. not confirmed)


9000$ would be a statement :money_mouth_face::exploding_head:

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A statement, it is.

Idk, to make something actually worth 9 grand, it takes a lot. You better be featuring some jaw-dropping materials, innovative tech, and something insanely special and exclusive (+innovative) in the driver department.

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Hope they don’t make it this expensive just because it’s an anniversary edition and rare materials but because they did give their technicians a butt load of budget to makes the best they can think of :grin:

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That’s the dream idea (for us consumers), but this is rarely the case.

For example, I see Yamaha’s YH-5000SE to fit that description. Sony’s MDR-Z1R headphones. But how many others are there like that? Very, very few (likely less than a dozen).

I mean… It looks pretty

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I can’t say it doesn’t. It looks like classic, perhaps classy is the better word. Old-school vibes, that dark brown is not too common in the audio space. But then the metal (or is it plastic?) yoke and headphone construction looks modern design-wise.

Sure thing, I like the way it looks, but $9k is a serious price tag, and there better be space tech inside of it to back it up.

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Yeah, I like the design and the sakura blossoms… But $9k is pretty pricey.

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We have sub $1000 headphones featuring special features, and then we also already have the ~$3k headphones which feature complex tech, fancy materials, innovations, and things of that nature. Everything above $3k takes a shit ton of work to make up for the price tag. Like serious-serious work. You can’t finesse a >$3k price tag, and those who have, it’s known. They still get sales, but for any of us who are seriously following this industry and know what’s around, we know.