Rumors and new releases thread




Hey, that’s the most unexpected best reply I could ever imagine! Overk 9k :wink:


meh… headphones for peasants… we’ll talk when it gets to the Valkyria level


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Tbh that headphone does back up its price as though it’s more of an artists finest creation than something else. It’s not trying to be something that it’s not. It’s just a very fine headphone coming from an artists. That’s my view on it

Up for sale. Just 10.000 Euro but hey, the cups are hand painted. Is a pure titanium diaphragm something new / special? Know things like the KSC75 are titanium coated.

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What a steal!

I think this is more of a company’s celebration than a product aimed for the consumer market. Perhaps some collectors will want it, maybe someone for whom Audio Technica holds a lot of value.

It’s to celebrate 60 successful years of being in business, that’s my guess. And tbh, it does look like its place is behind glass. It might be a stretch to say it belongs in a museum, but that’s the only way I can justify the price.

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dude, it has blossoms on it. nuff said. :slight_smile:

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I can imagine some wealthy, retired japanese gentlemen chilling out to vinly jazz recordings with those headphones lol


Like this guy with his own power line


8 Likes sent out an e-mail earlier teasing a new wireless Focal headphone.

Name on the side of the cup is “Bathys”, and it says it’s an Aluminum/Magnesium driver.



  • Price is 800 Euro
  • Bluetooh 5.1 with aptX-, aptX HD, SBC, AAC support
  • DAC mode with USB-C
  • Analog mode with 3.5mm
  • 350 gr
  • App supports 5 band eq
  • 30 hours battery life
  • ANC mode: Silent (for noisy environments) and Soft (for quieter environments). Transparency mode and ANC off.
  • 40mm magnesium-aluminium driver

Looks cool hope they aren’t shit.


The problem with “audiophile” companies developing wireless headphones is they’re never going to accomplish the level of tech innovation as apple or Samsung when it comes to NC or other features.They won’t be competitive because if you wanted superb audio quality, and that was the priority, we all know wired is the way to go - and if NC and app support is your priority, then apple, google or Samsung are the go to choices. I highly doubt focal is going to bring some crazy innovation to the table.

Am I crazy for thinking this?


Agreed, with BT we need other stuff that demands a lot of money into R&D.


In general I agree with your thoughts, but on the other hand these Focals will never be a competition in strict sense for “Apple and Samsung”. I bet that vast majority of Focal Bathys future buyers already have wired Focal headphone (or similar premium priced wired headphone) and non-audiophiles in 99,9% cases would not even consider this headphone.

What I am trying to convey is, that in my view, these expensive wireless headphones are more meant to be e.g. 7th headphone in some audiophile’s collection than a competition for something like Apple Airpods Max. In that way lack of the latest features or worse ANC is not a dealbreaker.


This x1000!

The amount of $ you need to reach Samsung and Apple level of R&D in the wireless space… sheesh. You’d need a couple human kidneys ‘cough’ ‘cough’

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I agree with you - I don’t think these will be ever considered ‘direct’ competition to say the Airpod Max, but they do almost seem pointless to me. Maybe you’re right, maybe these are just solely targeted towards that collector that already owns a bunch of Focals or high end overears, and just needs these to fit their aesthetic?

Agreed - I assume companies like Apple dump 10s of Millions if no more into R&D when it comes to their wireless audio ventures. I have to conclude that they are years ahead of any of the usual Audio companies we all know and love when it comes to wireless audio. After all, the real reason why people go wireless is for convenience and feature set, not actual audio quality. If they had a list in order of importance, audio must be 3 or 4.

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Also tutorial videos:

In particular:

Bathys is/was a tributary of a Pontic river in Hellenistic times. Have no clue if there is any mythology to it or relationship to the name of this product.

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