Rumors and new releases thread

LZ AX, DD + 4 BA + 2 7 Layer Piezo + 2 Sonion EST



They cancelled the order because apparently the item is out of stock :cry:

I can’t view it on Taobao because I have continually not received a confirmation code when I enter my phone number, or even a forwarding phone number. So it won’t be easy to know when it’s back in stock.

Maybe it’s all for the best.


Actually, I don’t think they look that bad. My opinion. of course. I think if there was a dark wood option as was mentioned I would lean that way, but these aren’t terrible. More important, how do they sound? We’ll have to wait for some reviews to hit.


some people like that color scheme… just look at Noctua lmao

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K, Noctua, I get. Sennheiser HD598, I get. Both look GOOD. This is a :nauseated_face: color, same as the original HiFiMan Deva. Looking at the pic again, it look as though it’s a tad darker, the SV024 had the same ugly color that the Deva had.

Saw the dark version, meh. But ig 200 bucks is 200 bucks.

Yup, yup. Saw it. Not a fan :confused:

Andover Audio has released another TT AiO for $500 less than the Model One called the One E. $1500 still isn’t cheap, but I do say it looks good!

Almost all the Hinodes have shipped, new project in the works


I might be the odd one out but I enjoy this color theme a cream color and a light colored wood. It’s a nice change of pace from everything being white or black and it’s more mature than some super eye popping other color choice. I mean I see why they do it, it sure does pop out compared to other things.


TheOdd1sOut, what are you doing on HiFi Guides :face_with_monocle:

“What the Fuck”…


They look awesome, should get my Hinode Monday, might end up impulse ordering the starry night then :joy:

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I get ya. I just wonder if these will be yet another take on the same 50mm driver that has been used in other models. I’m curious how they will tune these. It’s easy to dismiss cans like these, but they are OK. You know, I still use my Phoenix every day on the laptop in the living room and they are fantastic there. I don’t even have a DAC/Amp in there yet. Just right out of the 3.5mm the laptop provides. I’m thinking these might provide a similar use case.

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LZ releases quad hybrid nine driver hybrid IEMs, the AX.


it doesn’t appear you can order anything now that their respective cloud funding campaigns are over? :frowning:

Hinode was limited batch (at least for now haven’t heard if he plans to make more later) starry night he said he’ll sell them on his website after he fulfills all the early backers orders

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Dunu SA6 Ultra hit the shelves with 10k price tag. Do you think it is the actual amount or a measure to prevent irrevelent people from buying from hifigo? (10k euro is that price)

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Going to assume it’s just a placeholder lol. I don’t really think there’s anything you can do to modify/upgrade a previously 500 buck iem to justify that cost, outside of making an entirely new iem from the ground up perhaps lol (and at that point, call it something different lol)


Let’s cross fingers :slight_smile: