Rumors and new releases thread

Got my own tribrid. :wink:
(40mm DD + Knowles BA tweeter + Bass radiator)

Plan to add a bone conductor and a smaller DD, pentabrid HP. :fire:


We here live in 2022 and ridoku lives in 2030 :exploding_head::laughing:


Specifically that BC driver is an LRA driver.

Its not based on piezos, but closer to a DD. Will actually physically vibrate, so you get literal bass RUMBLE.

Its esentially haptic feedback.


I’ve ordered one from the Kickstarter campaign. Not scheduled to ship(as of the last update) until March 2023.
Mine will be shipping directly to Zeos.


just saw this


That’s the AngelEars edition I believe :man_shrugging:t2:
@hawaiibadboy @nymz

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Yes it is. I was just asked to take a jab on that, so I might hear it soon and compare to the others.

Year of the :black_large_square: , I guess

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Another one to join Chris’s planar fam :+1:

  1. Is it me or did they make them kind of a purple color?
  2. Really? They got rid of the MMCX connector for 2-pin?!? Ugh…

I was really really Hoping they were going to change the shell size and shape. I love the timeless - but they are a struggle to keep in my ears.

their style is one of the better fits for me of anything more recent I’ve tried, as always ymmv

Damn, I’m jealous. My ears are so strange - I broke em out last night for the first time in a few months and the left side just kept slowly making its way out of my ear. Made me sad. Honestly though, they’re the set that got me back in the hobby after a 4 year hiatus so they hold such a special place in my heart.

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We’ll see if we can’t fix that with some tips, my friend :slight_smile:

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Ahhh we shall see, won’t we? :sunglasses: I’ll definitely be bringing them :metal:

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Good cause they’ll be my second ever planar

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Wait - which planar do you have now? I’m blanking ….

I don’t have it now, but I tried the S12

Ahhh interesting - what’s your take on it?

A post was merged into an existing topic: :large_orange_diamond: DUNU SA6 Ultra

Topping stuff