Rumors and new releases thread

Lithii carbonas or lithium carbonate is a commonly used product for the treatment of acute manic agitation. The drug is rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. As a metal ion, it is not metabolized, it is excreted through the kidneys. With a lack of sodium chloride in the body, the absorption of lithium is enhanced and vice versa.
In fact, Cobain is singing about himself :slightly_smiling_face: .


As a photographer, I’ve owned a few “radioactive” vintage lenses. It’s pretty interesting, a lot of older Minolta lenses contain very small but detectable levels of radiation due to the inclusion of thorium oxide - I believe they did this so they could reduce the strong chromatic aberration that older lenses produced.
I’m no chemist or doctor or surgeon or whatever, but I thought you guys would find this interesting :sweat_smile:


Hello, which thought might have lead you feel this strong emotion called love?

Lol, I am a psychotherapist for a decade and a half :sweat_smile:

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If you are a psychotherapist you should not be asking this question here and in this way! :wink:

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You have doubdts about my claim and words. So be it :wink:

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I have no doubt. The meaning was different! :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s always fascinating to me observing another human who knows his sh*t. You can learn a lot. I don’t know how to exactly describe it, but when someone is TRULY dedicated to something and is committed to it, the things they can accomplish and know are just mind-blowing.

I have interests in so many fields, so there’s quite a bit to fascinate me :wink:


Another Planar, this time its a Planar + BA setup around 180 usd.

Seems to be a collab between Seek real and 1Ting Audio.
1Ting audio has a few expensive iems.
like this.

1500 usd, DD + 4 Knowles BA + 2 Sonion EST.

350 usd, DD + 6 BA


I wonder if they will use the same driver as everyone else.

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I dont think so. They mention it being a 10x14mm size, which is more like the square planar that kinera uses. (would also explain why they have a BA in this one as well.)

Regular planars, are round.


Unless your talking Fostex etc. :wink:


Now see, another example of someone in an interesting profession chasing that audio dragon like all of us do! I agree, I think it’s pretty cool. We have an interesting group here. I dig it.


Afaik its only fostex and Kinera with a square planar. (and maybe that Huawei one, if it is a planar and not a BA.)

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I’m not planning to eat the drivers anyway so I think I’m out of risk.

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I don’t know about your math but 10x14 is a rectangle.

Thats what I meant. A quadrilateral figure shape.

(Looks like the swedish to english translation is a bit different.)

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Just messing with you!!


Engineered by Axel Grell apparently :thinking:


Instantly skeptical of multi driver configs. We will see if the dsps and the drivers are good though. That will make or break as usual. 1more with the triple over was still a beast so maybe another company can do it competently.

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