Rumors and new releases thread

It’s getting better day by day. I’m afraid they’re going to announce the M2s Pro the day after I buy the M1s.

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Havent seen anyone mention this. Just got a promotional email with this is it. IKKO Asgard OH5 In-Ear Monitors **IN STOCK**

  • Dynamic driver: lithium-magnesium diaphragm

Uhh…say what now?

5x the price of the OH10 there is a review out to but why would you name it a OH5

I would hold off until graphs. They got issues with bass tuning in their more recent models

Well, this is the job of teardown folks (there 2 AFAIK) because its a very deep subject technically. I got afraid to dive down it.

hmmmmmmmm, safe and non-toxic huh?

Lithium is naturally occurring and is probably in a lot of water you might drink, and used in some medication as well. Same with magnesium as well which is also found in some foods. Anything is toxic if you have too much of it, this is a transducer, not something you’re ingesting. It’s also not like these elements are in their pure form or highest concentration. There already are magnesium aluminum drivers out there, I wouldn’t assume a lithium magnesium driver is all that different or all that more dangerous. Sure it’s probably fine. There’s a lot of materials used in audio equipment that would be very toxic if you were to eat them lol, but aren’t a problem otherwise. I guess I’m just waiting for the day we see an iem with radioactive material inside, that would be interesting


This, and you are basically looking up the toxicity of elemental lithium and magnesium, that’s a very different thing. It’s like if you ever look up elemental sodium, put it in a regular old glass of water and it explodes.


Plutonium I assume.

Going to assume that’s PU for polyurethane for the membrane rather than plutonium lol


Magnesium as a metal (simple substance) is not toxic. Its overdose in nutritional supplements is toxic - nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, difficulty urinating, etc. Of the three metals - beryllium, magnesium, sodium, the most toxic is beryllium, taken orally or in the form of dust in the air)!
PS: I am a chemist by profession :wink:


And there’s plenty of beryllium drivers out there, haven’t seen any issues with those. So if beryllium drivers are fine, probably shouldn’t worry about this one?


Exactly. No issues with the magnesium driver.


Beryllium drivers are fine for the users. But they are toxic during manufacturing. (source: Dunu)


That would make sense, I’d assume having to handle the raw material can get bad if they aren’t properly equipped for it


Exactly. Its the Bery dust that can get in your lungs that you dont want. (or also through your skin via hand contact.)


I love seeing how many wildly different fields audiophiles come from. There’s a guy on Head-Fi that is a surgeon. Lol, literally love seeing knowledgeable people from such fields =)

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Reminds me of how I cringe every time I see someone talk about soldering with lead solder. That stuff’s a horrific neurotoxin. And if you throw something with lead in the garbage, it gets into a landfill where it can contaminate the soil and water supply. In fact, we have the same problem with beryllium products. If you are throwing away something with beryllium, please take it to a proper electronics recycler and don’t just throw it in the trash. See: Electronic Waste Is Becoming a Global Environmental Problem | Time


Lithium been used in audio since 1991…