Rumors and new releases thread

Wireless ribbon headphones must be the most niche audio product ever.


I got the new Creative Aurvana with the xMEMs solid state drivers. Summary of them, the bass driver is ok, but the solid state drivers are SO fast, great for heavy metal or any tracks that can get congested in the mids and treble range. The adaptive noise cancelling is a must, sound quality is greatly improved than with it off. Good battery life (5+ hours) and really comfortable (no hard edges). Tips are oval, like the Jabra type, 4mm x 5mm at the nozzle.
The Sennheiser Momentum 3 still wins for bass resolution and detail, but these win for speed and detail in mids and highs as long as you keep ANC on (which works great). The phone app doesn’t work, but likely will get an update since I got one of the first pre-orders the day before Christmas. They’re worth the money, but if you want the best overall, the Momentum 3 still is the king (and twice the price). Beats the Sony and Jabra in the same price range though. Also the case can charge wirelessly, but the ear buds have to be inside the case. It charges them really quick though, they didn’t skimp on the charging case.
If bass resolution isn’t the priority I’d recommend them. If mids and treble are most important, especially fast tracks like heavy metal, you’ll love them. I tested the ANC near a loud boom box and couldn’t not hear a thing. The new drivers are really good, it’s just the bass drivers sounds like the bass in any other ear bud.


Mind taking a picture of the Aurvana nozzle?

Is there even an alternative Ribbon driver hp in the wired world at anywhere near that price range?

Yay, another tiny dongle.

Almost 2x the price over on 1688 though…
(although the MOQ is 2.)

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I just had this closeup before they sold. It’s an oval like the Jabra 85t I had last week. 4mm x 5mm. There’s a lip to hold the tip on, sorry I didn’t take a closeup of the nozzle by itself.


In the Hiby OS, does it have a Sound Field setting? The Hidizs players using Hiby OS have it and it’s really good.
Also, does it run smoothly, no freezes?

The Tidal app does support downloading songs but not in the sense of being able to listen to the song outside of the app. The songs are downloaded to a cache on the phone that isn’t accessible to anything but the app. When browsing through the storage section on an android all the data is under the Tidal app. They do this so you can’t “steal” the songs per say. Once the song is downloaded you can listen to it without an internet connection but it has to be through the tidal app. The whole “listening to downloaded songs offline” is one of the major reasons that I use tidal over other services. That and the fact that a lot of my favorite artists are on tidal.

Can I ask if you are referring to Tidal generally (in which case that is 100% correct and the way I use Tidal app on Android + iOS)


specifically to the implementation in Hiby OS regarding…

  1. either the Hiby R2/R3 (sadly the Hiby Rep told me that Tidal offline listening is not supported); or
  2. Tempotec V3 (Tempotec Rep said that they do support Tidal offline listening but that would be an improvement to what Hiby the OS licensor provide & also not what @heartless gave some observations to earlier IIRC)

If you have managed to make Tidal offline listening work in Hiby OS please let me know as would be a game changer for my use case - thanks so much :+1:

Yeah it was in general. I didn’t catch the part about it being specifically about the Hiby OS. I use the app on my phone the most. Don’t have a separate dap. I find it weird that they don’t support offline listening when it should be a feature of the app itself and not the dap.

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I’m not sure how Hiby can say offline mode is not supported. It’s not something Hiby implements. As long as the version of Android on the device supports the app version that has offline mode it should work. The only stipulation would be if they modified Android to not somehow remove the sd card reading permission but that would affect reading/writing from the sd card for the whole system.

Edit: ignore what I said. I missed that you are talking about Hiby OS

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There is no option to download a song via built-in Tidal in HiBy OS - be it HiBy R2 II or TempoTec V3. You can only launch “the app” if you’re connected to WiFi.

Can’t find anything related to Sound Field or named relatively close to it, either or HiBy R2 II or TempoTec V3. Maybe it’s exclusive to Hidizs?

So far, no freezes, no crashes, no bugs.
I mostly listen to a whole variety of different local files: FLAC tracks, long MP3 podcasts, etc.
I haven’t really tried Bluetooth - not my use case.




more sentences to make message clear.


LOL yep! I won’t even consider a DAC if it has MQA in it. Why pay more for something I will never use? And anyway, it’s the principle of the thing. I will not support MQA in any form. Seems like SMSL continues to push this crap, so I am done with SMSL DACs for now until they wake up and stop offering MQA.


Hi there, as this device doesn´t have an official international dealer, here are my impressions:


SU-X MQA? More like MQA SUX


Moondrop now sells the Chu2 paired with a USB C DSP cable. Honestly, their recent product strategy is a little bit like “throw things at the wall and see what sticks”.


Dekoni and HFM collaborated and created the Cobalt.

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create your own white noise.