Hiby R8ii and the New LETSHOUER Cadenza 4 OMG rock .
LETSHOUER going to sell a shitload of these .
Been really interested in this one, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
Nice test track
What’s the price?
Rumors are $250ish for the Letshuoer Cadenza 4
I used to have one of those megaphones in highschool to keep in my car LOL
New Symphonium IEM coming soon…
Only details are that it’s going to be priced roughly between $600 - $1100 USD, and “Hint: Get ready to rumble!”.
They have good bass, could be nice.
Maybe they are coming out with a hybrid - I’ve tried the Meteor / Helios SE and loved the bass on both and from what I know they are both 4-BA sets.
I owned the Meteor and wasn’t overly impressed with it. The Crimsom was something else, but is 1500 stock. The meteor lacked the ear gain to be really good, but was okish.
I agree the Meteor’s tuning can leave something to be desired in terms of dynamics, but I think it does a great job of giving you a warm blanket of bass. Sounds great cranked up too because of that lack of ear gain, but still retains some great treble extension.
I’m excited for whatever they put out because of their odd tuning.
Supposedly they’ll have it to demo at CanJam NYC for those able to attend; the teaser photo had a blue-ish hue to the IEMs and they wouldn’t give any hints other than “different tuning from our previous offerings”.
I don’t like the low impedance, but otherwise good stuff.
Some threads from -fi leaked that:
- 1 8mmDD, 2 custom BA setup
- “basshead” set
- ~$1000
- releasing April 24’
- Name of IEM is “Titan”
My favorite IEM I heard all weekend.
An absolute slammer.
Next Kilobuck set I buy, 100%.
This bodes well… looking forward to both your and other’s impressions.