Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

The grados that I actually somewhat enjoy are the PS500e and the RS2e if that means anything lol


It sort of does. From what I gather, the Head-F1 (second head-fi, that had a misprint!) were very close to the PS500 (pre-e); for a lot less cash; and the Head-Fi (third) are very close to the Rs-2e … also for less cash…I can’t confirm for sure, myself, since I never listened to the real Ps500 or RS-2e.

That is what I thought too… Lol
Going from the RNHP to SPL Phonitor E was even more of an obvious audible difference, IMO. Compared to going from the SP200 to RNHP
It kind of fucks with your brain at first. It’s less about micro-detail… and just makes everything sound a lot more ‘effortless’ and less fatiguing. And I know ‘effortless’ kind of sound like a ‘BS’ term… but IMO it should make a lot of sense once you hear it. It’s a bit like hearing an ‘open-back’ headphone for the first time… But the next level of that.

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SPL have a ton of headroom due to there 120V rail system. That’s where the sense of “effortlessness” comes from.

No, I’ve noticed that before swapping amps and headphones. Some just seem to disappear and you hear the music.

The RNHP has that feeling to a degree the natural timbre Is smoother and easier to listen to and still be enjoyable. The music didn’t get boring, it just got better

the only Amp the T2 Pro got it right - in my humble opinion - was my first portable DAC/Amp the Fiio Q1 II
with a balanced cable and fitting music
However used the T2 Pro more out of the Fiio BTR3 single ended later and it was ok ish.
With the T3 things changed a bit and I had used it balanced with the Earstudio ES100. Never had the T2 and use now the T4, which is for me the first enjoyable one.
Back to the topic- sorry
I can see the T2 and RNHP beeing probably both relative neutral- this could be really nice for long time listening

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I feel like this general recommendation needs to be stickied somewhere given how much it’s repeated.


You really like smooth. I started out with the SR325e’s. I found them fun, but noisy (bright). I wanted to move up and a local shop was having a clearance sale and I got to spend a half hour with the PS500e’s. The brightness was gone, but so was the fun, to me. Too bad too as the price was Really right. I kept looking until I found my perfect match. I am shocked at how many people don’t care for Grado (I do get the issues with brightness in cheaper models), but do love Night Owls and rave about HD6XX’s. I guess it just to goes to show that we all hear differently. Very differently.:grin:

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I would say it’s really mixed, I have some very aggressive headphones lol

To get back on topic, I did make a pitch for this amp yesterday. I offered to trade a guy some gear for his “mint” RNHP. Waiting to hear back.

Still on a mission to turn quantity into quality.


I’m with ya. I’m figuring out what “brings me joy” KonMari style. Then get rid of the rest.

Hyping up the stuff I want to get rid of is part of the plan, but I don’t think it would work.

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I feel like M0N could write one of these for each part of the signal chain. It could save a lot of time

Of course, where’s the fun in that?


Definitely agree with this.

As well as a 2 separate competitive gaming and non-competitive gaming signal chain lists (this part is j/k).

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I understand that headphones are a more in your face bump in sound quality, but I’ve noticed nice gains across nearly all my headphones. Not sure the 4XX like the RNHP. Even the KPH30i sound extra fantastic… lol

I run the ksc75s from the rnhp at times and it’s pretty sweet lol. Although I am using a much overkill studio dac with the rnhp (but the rnhp can showcase dac differences well)

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Thanks Mon for recommending it

Ok, serious ? why does the Fidelice exists. Is the RNHP going away and being replace by the pricey copy.

I mean they have to be selling at that prices right? The spec are literally the exact same, even the case dimensions.

They’ve upgraded some internals and increased the ‘gain’.

Also, the biggest change was the new casing that’s pretty costly to setup. I can’t justify the additional cost myself, but I haven’t seen the BOM.

looking at the spec the gain seems the same though.

Also I saw a post from one of the rocky mountains were someone bought 3 RNHP at launch and bought another later after talking to Rupert Neve team. They have been constantly swaping some internals.

For instance after the 1,800 serial number the RCA are gold plated. Also the Caps inside were changed as well. I don’t know the reasoning. Maybe cost, maybe sound. The same person also said none of his 4 sound the exact same. He wasn’t complaining in fact he was contemplating buying another for his office.

Either way I’m cool with it but if the RNHP is 99.9% the same its a steal of a deal if they are discontinuing it.

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