Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Do you think that, if you had to, you could survive with just those two amps?

Once you run ALL your headphones through those two amps, I would be interested to know if they could be a complete solution?

Realistically? Yeah, probably. Especially if you count in the RME, which is supposed to have a fantastic output for IEMs. I very rarely used my desktop amps for IEM listening, but if I were to leave DAPs out of the picture, I’d still want something that could drive very sensitive Campfires without hiss or sound coloration. The 887 is supposed to have low output impedance, and I believe the RNHP is better still, but I haven’t tried either of those with IEMs yet.

I don’t own anything that’s super hard to drive, but the THX amp puts out gobs of power, and the RNHP, despite lower output rating, had no trouble getting my Eikons as loud as I care to listen to them with plenty of headroom left.

The main thing I’d be giving up with two solid state amps is the tube rolling rabbit hole, which, TBH, I haven’t bothered diving into yet, anyway.

Anyway, I’ve logged gobs of time on the 887, and I’d probably be OK with that that one amp. So that and the RNHP? It’s hard to imagine I’d be left wanting for much.


That new RNHP case is sweet :ok_hand:


Stealth Deadpool RNHP.


That’s actually pretty f-ing sweet. :ok_hand:t4:


Pretty easy to do actually. Just a vinyl wrap. Pop off the 4 face screws, volume knob, and 1/4" nut. Clean the face and wrap it. Used a hairdryer and it was done in about 30 mins.


I got the idea when I saw John Darko’s review of the field lice amp and the wood was peeling off. Lol
Thought I could vinyl wrap mine and it would be about the same.
Thought about using this wrap for the face or body.


I like the Ghost rider all black. Looks awesome.

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Think I like the all black look tho. Matches the B2


Yeah all black makes the knob look good.

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I just realized. You should do the BF2 button in red!


:smirk: hahaha think alike

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It was either that or just cover it with black. It’s pointless for me. I never touch the B2.
Matching the red is the issue. It’s not a normal red. Hard to find scarlet red vinyl. I couldn’t at least.

Edit: pointless meaning the button is pointless. Never use it. So if it’s black it’s fine. If it’s a matching red then thats even cooler.

Found a satin red but probably just use black.


Me likey very much, call me when you get bored and want to sell it! :+1:
Did you have to take it apart to wrap it? How hard is it todo? where do you buy wrap? amazon? I’m looking at all sorts of things on my desk i would like to wrap :thinking:


Lol thanks. I really like my RNHP so idk haha.

It’s super easy. Undo the 4 screws on the face, pop off the volume knob and the 1/4" nut. The nut is basically hand tight. Once the face is off clean it with alcohol and then start the wrap. Use a hairdryer to make it stick better and stretch a little bit. Use a knife to cut out the holes and done! Attach the face back to the amp. The holes don’t have to be perfect because they’ll all be covered by the screws, knob and nut. I use the legos like many others have to cover the lights and holes surrounding them. But you want to make the cut on the holes the best you can to avoid any issues.

You can find all kinds of vinyl on Amazon.


Nice! So…
When do you switch the buttons for red-led light and less spot light?


I’d disable them before I’d change it lol. In person the light isn’t too noticeable as it is.

If you really wanted, there is a bank of resistors near the front. Three of those are responsible for the buttons lighting up.

Should only take a multimeter (in voltage DC mode) and some probing to find the correct ones.


Thanks. Maybe I’ll look into it one day.

Anyone stacking the RNHP with the RME ADI2 dac? Curious to see how they stack.