Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Imo the v200 is more resolving, more impactful, a wider more spacious stage, and also the faster amp, it’s on a bit higher technical level than the rnhp, but the rnhp might have better timbre and naturalness and a bit more accurate to the recording presentation, but overall imo you picked up an excellent amp, should be very worthwhile, so you really aren’t missing out on anything imo


i think so, thanks to you for the advice, i wouldn’t have given a shot to the V200 otherwise :ok_hand:t2:

the difference described were approx the same : V200 on the wild and energic side and the RNHP more elegant and natural …
i’ll see … one or the other, it’s a good choice …
as the result highly depend on my cans and the synergy with the amp, guess the DT1990 will pair well with the V200 as i can change pads …

The treble on the v200 is a bit smoother and it’s also a bit more relaxed which does help offset the more forward aggression the 1990 can have

The styling on the Violectric stuff is so damned fugly though.

So @M0N your rec for studio monitoring is still the Neve? I wanna go out from my line outputs on my interface, thats the rec or is the V200 a better pick?

Depends on what you are after and the headphones but yeah for the most part, it’s prob one of the top amps for studio I would pick in this range

Hmmm. So the v200 is going to be a bit more colored than the neve imo, I think going with like a lake people rs08 or g111 would be more neutral studio oriented, but depending on the headphone the v200 could potentially be used for studio

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better yet, which is still a question i have would be skipping the interface and going Neve and dac, but can i find something accurate enough under $500

Yeah I mean if you wanted cheaper accuracy honestly something like the neve and a enog 2 pro or allo revolution dac would prob be my picks in that range. Both those dacs would imo prob be an upgrade over most entry level interfaces (moreso the allo), but it depends on what interface you plan on, if you go with a higher end one it might not be worthwhile getting another dac


right on, typical, sennheiser, this new Ollo S4X im trying, dt770 250 ohm, maybe a 1990 would like to stick with those

looking at the Audient stuff, but this SSL 2 plus just has my eye

gotcha, I mean all those headphones would pretty much pair well with the neve (although I’ve only heard the S4 not S4X). The 770 might get a bit too bassy with a v200. Both the s4x and 1990 would most likely also pair well with the v200 though

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right on, i think ill just keep it simple, Neve/Enog, too many decisions get me stuck

That’s a pretty solid interface for the price, pretty nice pres and good dac quality. I think in that case you might perhaps not really get too much more from an enog 2 pro, although I do think the allo might actually still be worthwhile imo. The main thing you loose when not using your interface as your dac though is latency free monitoring so that is something to keep in mind unless you do a more jank mixer setup

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I agree with MON’s sentiments regarding the neutrality of the RNHP.

I recently received an Phonitor Xe on loan, which is also a reference studio headphone amplifier. And though the Phonitor bests the RNHP on many technicalities, overall I vastly prefer the RNHP. It’s much more musical, but still maintains a neutral signature.

Basically you can use it as a tool while still enjoying music from it.


ohhhh welll well well, that makes me happy, love the look, just wish it had more ins and an optical, but i need one for the ipad setup, the usb c got me
great to hear

ya i saw your disappointment, saves me the energy


Yes I agree, for me at least I prefer something that still sounds more natural overall, because no matter how much detail an amp can give me, if it doesn’t sound as organic or paint a realistic picture, it just doesn’t go well with my workflow and ends up messing me up. The rnhp gives more than enough technicalities to be workable while also providing really valuable tonal balance and natural/accurate presentation that’s pretty good to have (for at least what I do)


Especially if I ever go Clear Pro, I’d like that synergy

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That is a very solid pairing, that would be a really accurate combo imo


Perfect, thanks for all this