Schiit Bifrost 2

I have been using the BF II for a few days now. I have watched movies, listened to several genre’s of music via spotify and yesterday I got my hands on some FLAC musing files.

  1. The BF II has taken my system to an entirely different level. (even with my $150 speakers) No regrets spending that much on a DAC.

  2. Spotify has always sounded gret to me, but FLAC is way way way better… The sound I am hearing is amazing. (can’t wait to upgrade my speakers)


Yeah, Upgrading dacs always brings out the strengths of Uncompressed vs compressed/streaming
That said I still use spotify religiously on my home theater using my PS3 as a network streamer

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I am still using Spotify too, it is a great service for the price.

Just started to read through. This might push me over the edge and buy some shiit despite bloody vat and customs. :exploding_head:


I’ve only done used off eBay and headfi - saved on vat and get some good Schiit at discount

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I use Tidal myself but luckily it’s included in my cell phone bill.

Guys, is there anyone currently using their Bifrost 2 with a GS-X Mini? Do you find it to be a complementary pairing? Thanks.

I literally have that setup right now with the Abyss Diana Phi this moment. It’s awesome. Think more balanced, punchier, and wider sound stage than an RNHP with power that makes most other amps cry.


My Bifrost 2 is here. It shipped on Friday from the US, and FedEx dropped it off today. However, I was expecting it to come with a USB cable, which it does not. I’m a bit surprised - this is a $700 DAC and it doesn’t come with a USB cable? Seriously?

Anyway, now that I’m in the market for a USB cable, can I ask what other owners use? Is it necessary to go out and buy one of the super-expensive ones, or will a standard one do?


Don’t get super expensive USB cables. Basically you want a well made one and you want it as short as you can, while still useful.


Get the one that Schiit sells…its great.

I use this cable with my BF2:

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Is this a USB - C on one end and a USB B on the other?

Make sure your source has a C type output…??

Yeah it is, but you should be able get a Chroma cable with a normal USB instead of a Type C.

Those are great, but they’re RCA, and I’m talking USB.

I’ve ordered an Amazon Basics one to tide me over - will it actually matter? Is there a notable difference in how USB cables make things sound? My instinct would be that as long as it’s not mega crap, it shouldn’t really matter as it’s not an analogue signal yet, it’s still just digital.

You’re thinking correctly.
(Though the linked PYST cables had a drop down you missed to choose USB bs RCA).

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Yes take a look at that link and the drop down pop out u can select the USB cable or click on the picture of the USB cable …gets you there as well…

Exceptionally well made cable (Canare I think)…no need to spend any more on a USB cable…


Oh, sorry. You’re quite right. I would have bought this if I’d known it didn’t ship with a cable (the Modius does). I’d be ordering from the UK though, so it’s a long flight for a single USB cable to take.

EDIT: There’s a Schiit reseller in the UK who has the PYST USB in stock, so I’ve ordered one. Thanks for the suggestion.


Great Phil!!



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I use a Audio Quest Green forest like… 2 foot cable with my dac. It was like 25 bucks when I bought it.

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