Semi-open headphone around $500

It’s not going to be worth the hassle to get it from Peru most likely

Yes they mainly just have different tunings and pads. The 610 is more comfortable imo with larger pads

They are not as powerful hungry as the t60, the g stack would be awesome with these

haha yah i saw that one. think it’s the only one. i can’t find a reference to international shipping on that site and i’m sure after that the price would increase substantially.

let me throw just one last curve ball out there…

i can reacquire a 1990 or a 610 for near the same price (610 a little less) but would intend to replace the 1990 pads (angles). which would you pick?

Personally I wouldn’t buy used from overseas, it’s just too much hassle.

I thought you couldn’t have leak though? I thought the 1990 was too much?

i can have the amount of leak as the 1990. that’s effectively the standard i can have versus the sudaras were way too much, obviously. i was also open to any other suggestions around that standard but not necessarily “semi-open”.

So you didn’t enjoy the 1990 then?

i couldn’t stand the gap between behind my ear and the pad and i didn’t want to spend even more on pads. however, today i can get them back for $15 more than the 610. essentially would you take the 1990s for $100 more (w/ different pads) over the 610s?

Like it wouldn’t seal properly on your head because they didn’t swivel?

correct, that’s why initially i requested an option with swivel but then someone referenced some other posts where people replace them with thick pads and still enjoyed the sound.

Gotcha, well yeah, I personally just used the stock pads so I don’t have experience with pad rolling. If you really liked the sound of the 1990 I would say go for it, but if you are looking for something different or didn’t enjoy the sound perhaps it’s not something worth rebuying

so safe to say, regarding gaming capabilities, you’d spend the $100 all together for the 1990 over the 610?