đŸ”¶ Sennheiser HD58x Jubilee

So, yeah, I don’t know.
Lol, I nearly wish I had a “broken” pair of HD58Xs. I’m not used to those 10+khz sounds.

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Sennheiser is becoming a lot bigger basically becoming the go too audiophile brand and probably one of the most mainstream of the audiophile brands

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As far as I can remember, Sennheiser always meant quality. For me, it always was the “go-to audiophile brand”. 15 years ago maybe I was hearing about Sennheiser 600s and the Sennheiser Orpheus, etc. As if they were just “the best”. Otherwise
 well, there’s Bose, which may be more mainstream, but
 not quality, lol. And I don’t view Sony/JBL/Audio-Technica as “audiophile” brands either because
 yes they make “endgame” stuff, but they just make everything. Like, cheap bluetooth speakers, cheap turntables etc.

Please don’t mention Beats. :stuck_out_tongue:

rtings.com rate these headphones so high that not only these are the best Sennheiser 6 series headphones, they are the third best Sennheiser headphones.

But I don’t trust this website 100% because of like, 660s having the worst soundstage and HD700 being the second best Sennheiser headphones.

Nice find! This whole situation is a little messed up. I’m sure it will be a non-issue in the future. Most of the songs i listen to have female vocals and the Jubilees really make them shine. I wanted a second pair for fun-gaming but i guess I’ll look for something else. Any recommendations?

It’s in “best headphones” overall
 I’d agree with that. Price-to-performance ratio is impressive, and I can even listen to music with them on my old Samsung Note 3. But they’re not even mentioned in the “best audiophile headphones” category.

Probably because they’re “hard to get” (massdrop only) ? I don’t know.

We factor in the price (cheaper headphones win over pricier ones if the difference isn’t worth it), feedback from our visitors, and availability (no headphones that are difficult to find or almost out of stock everywhere).

But they’re #12 in their “critical listening” list (see at the bottom of the page). Sennheiser HD 800 S are #1. HD700 are #6, HD58X are #12.

EDIT: Still, it’s weird. Plantronics and gaming headphones are in the top 10 for “critical listening”
 Anyway, I trust their graphs
 I don’t read their reviews.

I don’t use headphones for gaming, but search on this forum, there are a lot of other threads about “best headphones for gaming”. :slight_smile:

for me and my experience sennheiser has always been the most recognisable brand for most peoplewhen I talk about headphones I own with other people who aren’t into headphones and I bring up AKG, beyerdynamic, no one really bats an eye until I bring up my senns and then they usually respond at that.

One Thing I do love BEATS for is normalizing “expensive” headphones I no longer get judged for my above $100 cans.

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That’s true, I remember when if you owned over $150 headphones, average people would look at you like you threw money down the drain. And if you owned more then one pair, they could never understand what the reason for doing so would be

when they judge me for owning more than one of something I always ask them what their hobby is and then start judging them for stuff they spent too much money on or if they don’t have a hobby then I make fun of them for that


playfully, of course, I don’t wanna be a dick

Maybe the new factory is because if brexit? Sennheiser is German so it might have problems with having it’s factory in the UK (if the Ireland factory is in the UK). But even if it’s not it could cause issues with shipping or something since Ireland is kind of blocked by the England.

Timely grand opening:


Ireland: Acoustic Transducers
Germany: High End
USA: Microphones
Romania: Consumer Electronics


I got news for you man, Sennheiser also makes cheap junk, and lots of it. Judge the product, not the portfolio.

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Cheap junk from Sennheiser is rare compared to everyone else, that’s the impression I have, and always had. Anyway, not a Sennheiser shill or whatever, I got two pairs of headphones from them and everything else I want to get is from other brands.

The more I listen to them, the more I find they’re the exact opposite of my HD280 Pros (I’m just talking about the frequency response, here). Even though both are used in studios, so, neutral-ish, my HD280s are bassy, fully closed (-32dB – shooting range-grade earmuffs), with a lot of sub-bass (the box said the frequency response started at 7hz, even). HD58X are fully-open with a lot of highs.

HD280s excel at sub-bass, no high treble. HD58Xs excel at high-treble (10khz-to-20khz), no sub-bass.
Definitely disorientating to switch from one to the other. They’re not complimentary headphones at all, they’re just the two extremes, lol.

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I wouldn’t even call the 58x an extreme I find the highs on them not veiled but very smooth I would say an extreme would be the DT 880 or 990

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The only Sennheiser headphone with “extreme highes” imo would be the hd800/s. The 58x has plenty of subbass for me, more then I was expecting when I got them because I was expecting more of a 650 sound, which does not have a decent amount of subbass.

The 280s are great for monitoring because of their great seal and non fatiguing, rolled off highs.

Sorry, I meant, two extremes as in, literally the extremes of the frequency range. Neutral, but going extremely low/high (bass/treble). One excelling at extended, neutral sub-bass, the other one excelling at extended, neutral treble until 20khz.

They’re still open, not closed. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I now consider I have two excellent headphones for music production (HD280 Pros and HD58Xs).

Found out I’m treble-sensitive AF, thanks to the HD58Xs, though
 10-to-20khz “neutral” is pain for me. So I still want T50RPs.

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Wan’t to borrow my Grado SR325
? Will make the 58X feel like a warm blanket afterwards.

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