Share snapshots of your present ENDGAME =D

Naaaaa this the point when the good stuff just start. :smile: Training perioud is over and you joined the big boy club

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I would say Violectric does not worth the money or time, they got 0 quality control and if you get it from a a German retailer, you will find that even warranty may be an uphill battle. It is just not worth the energy, time, money for a product that is just nice, and I got a V550 PRO. I donā€™t like to imagine what the V222 experience is like, or maybe if they put less stuff in the amp there is less chance they fuck it up, so is less likely to have problems, who knows. Anyway mine it is not the only top of the line Lake People shipped with obvious manufacturing problems, so I got no trust in them.

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Changed Dac from Spring 3 KTE to Wandla and added DMP-A6 streamer to the mix.


Nice setup :pinched_fingers:
Would be interested to hear how you find Wandla after youā€™ve spent some time with it, and also a comparison with the Spring 3 KTE

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Iā€™ve posted a small comparison here: Ferrum WANDLA - Impressions Thread | Page 17 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -

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I run a V222 + BF2 on my Auteur Classicsā€¦Great setup, youā€™ll love it.

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That seems to be a really good combo from everything that I have read and or watched on youtubeā€¦It also is going to be hard to pass up for the price Drop has it listed forā€¦


Incredible set up, and that disclosure album was great.

Hows the tungstens?

Finally managed to move my stuff around and build a decent desk setup :innocent:

and now Schiit did make the Mjolnir 3 in 230V and i couldnt resist its appeal :smiling_face_with_tear:

So yaā€™ll see me sell some stuff to soften the blow to my wallet :kissing:


Nice setup! Lol, I was tempted by Mjolnir 3 as well since i coveted the prior gen when I was first getting into the hobby, but I will stick with my Soloist 3XP as my SS amp for now. My next addition to my desk will most likely be a WA22 2nd gen sometime next year. I hope you get plenty of enjoyment out of your Mjolnir 3, happy listening.

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Think Iā€™ll build a bottlehead sext to get the tube game to my low impedance cans cause the sticker price of the WA22 does scares me a bit, but Iā€™m more than happy to get a bit envious when Iā€™ll hear impressions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Scratch that had the price of the wa33 in my head
For our hobby the WA22 is a reasonable endgame XD :rofl:

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I would love to be able to purchase the WA33, but my wallet wonā€™t allow it. :joy:


Buying the tube amp is the cheap partā€¦Just wait until the tube rolling begins :rofl: :rofl:

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Trust me I know the pain think I have more money in tubes than I paid for my bhc :sweat_smile: and Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s even a possibility for kilo buck amps :scream:


there is no such thing as endgame! wellā€¦I guess there is; it would be whatever you had when you die. :stuck_out_tongue:


So I have been told in forums already, and that will be what my audio budget gets spent on in 2025. :wink:

Finding space will be an issue though, lol.