The correct response when asked to show your smile. This is from a local band in the Seacoast region of NH from back in the ‘90’s. These guys were legendary in their day, though this song does little to showcase why (it’s more of a gag bop than anything else).
I’m rather fond of the one with the Beyers - it used to be a profile pic for a work collab platform. The jerks made me change it to my official company photo.
Edit - I don’t look at all like Dr. Byron Orpheus, my avatar, but I think he’s a pretty great guy and I look up to him.
Most recent photo I could find of me, it’s from when my school had an auction to raise funds and I had my tessellation based art piece up for grabs. So many hours spent on eBay/Mercari trying to work out how to affordably piece together a tuxedo, I’ve never been to anything so fancy in my life.
It feels like a crime to cover up the beautiful light of my wife’s face, but seems about right when sharing a photo to the internet at large. Imagine a bright and lovely set of eyes and smile.
Between struggling to know how to stand with people in photos, and how wooden a suit makes me feel, it’s a bit of a stoic pose!
On the plus side (swanky-clothes-wise) for just under $25 shipped I got a pair of dress shoes that will probably last me for life rather than just the event… made in the US, full grain leather, well polished and cared for by previous owner, Vibram soles…
If enough middle/upper schoolers where I work signed up for the school 5k I said I’d shave my head, I had some fun on the way down so here is a mohawk from the day itself, I’ve since shaved everything so I’m rocking a shiny top.
Blocked out faces that aren’t mine for their privacy. Hurts to do it when I know the faces I’m blocking but I feel better sharing with the web this way. All 5 of my family in one pic!
you’ve got to be the ugliest blanket woman I have ever seen. and have you seen the doctor about your hair? it’s either falling out, susceptible to extreme static or you’re regressing into a reptilian…which actually would explain a lot.
and here’s me…where I just realized maybe your missing hair is on my neck?