Simgot EA500LM Everything Thread

Yes, the naming is is not very clear.

I do assume that these 3 are the stock and official tunings though, but do recommend changing the name of them. Just call them “red nozzle”, “stock red nozzle”, “production red nozzle” or something like that.

I assume that this ^ is a modded version by you, but dont get why it is the one that you set as the first version to be shown when you click on the EA500LM.


I will change that. Remember they asked me for feedback and this is what I came back to them with.

Getting closer to a more Western tuning but out of China we are small potatoes market.


Looks sort of Serially.


Ahhh so it’s brighter than EA500 and EA1000 stock? That’s too bad :confused:


It doesn’t sound that way less upper mids and highs.


Another contender about to be kicked back into the dust


I know better than to check it out now. For someone without a Serial needing something value for money this is awesome. For someone with a Serial it’s unnecessary, but it gets my respect.


I’m sure at some point, it’ll find its way to you through our group. But no, I can’t imagine you’d need to chase this down lol

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Keep your eyes on the Quattro :eyes:


Speaking of Quattro, it is supposedly available now. Prepare your self for the influx of 2nd hand units being sold after the obligatory reviews are written on Head-Fi!


One will mine and I know another. Both Paid with discount - Neither of us will be making a review on Dead-Fi



There’s a few other bozos on that site, brother, trust me, I ain’t talking about you :sunglasses:


$350 after discount I’ll pass, especially as I’m not lacking anything atm

Edit: besides, for all I know the tuning differences might make me like it less not more :man_shrugging:

I’m so done with the headache of having to sell things to claw back the credit debt used to pay for them. It’s worked as a sort of revolving g library for some time, but right now every minute is either more time with family or perhaps my 1 chance to exercise in a week… I don’t want to add the the inventory, or pressure of comparisons, etc.

I won’t sell my IEMs that were gifts, so whether a cheaper set beats them on value, or a more expensive set outdoes them, is kind of moot.


Ah shit, same here for me. I can’t bring myself to sell off any of my gifted sets and I can’t let them go for free either because they mean so much to me.

I understand your stance though. I feel like in the last 6 months or so, there’s been something of a shift happening for lots of folks, really focusing more on either family, career, or just outside life in general. That makes me both happy and a little sad due to the lack of traffic the forums get some things, but people bettering their lives is always a plus.


Anyone know how the EA500LM compares to the Dunu Falcon Ultra?
Falcon on sale for $162, but that’s still probably $90-$100 more than the EA500LM.


Review uploading PENON Quattro - Hugely Flawed Massively Musical

If you like brighter IEM’s then the EA1000 is for you.

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The EA500LM will get you there as well only smoother and more natural sounding IMO

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It graphs brighter but it sounds smoother/warmer than the EA1000:

Probably a driver thing (this is modded prototype version so maybe retail is different)


How can it get you there to brighter but also be warmer? It sounds like some kind of earphone miracle.

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