Simgot EA500LM Everything Thread


What is the sound difference with Qian69 only this model is available in my country

I do not have it, dunno. That is a very different shell as well and I dont think that looks that safe.

Ok thanks will avoid and try 39 if possible. I need to try cheaper buds to see if I like the fit and can move head at least slightly before jumping on costlier models. I know buds sounds great but the fit need to try.

You could also try the Vido which is dirt cheap and uses a different shell (MX500) but is the standard shell most use.

My gen 1 Rikubuds uses that shell.

Gen 3 is closer to the Qian39 though.


Any mod recommendations (with measurements) for the EA500LM (cured using it in stock form).

I wouldn’t do any vent modding as the bass is more than sufficient.

Any suggestions for toning down the upper kids and smoothing out the 8k peak?

I have the Simgot tuning kit, but no way to measure the impact of the mods.

Any help will be much appreciated.

TDM graphed a few check his squig’s…


That looks pretty legit…will have to remember this when I pick it up (on the wish list). :+1:

Thanks I’ll take a look!

Joining the club


Michael Bruce considers LM to be the best of Simgot

I guess @Rikudou_Goku will agree


Having heard all except the OG 500, i thought the LM was the worst.

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any particular reason?

Yes absolutely, it sounded veiled and unnatural. Been hearing so many people raving about it makes me think if the one i heard was a lemon. I just wasn’t how people are describing it. It was just unremarkable for me.


I got the EA500 LM this week and have the original EA500 and EN1000 to compare it too. The recessed mids lost me there, too much of a dip for vocals which sound distant. For games it was a bust since footsteps happen 400hz-1600hz so I couldn’t hear anything until an opponent was literally in front of me. There’s too many IEMs that you should be forced to equalize. Going to stick to my 7hz Salnotes Zero:2 for a while.
I’m done with V shape of any kind personally. No recessed male vocals, shouty female vocals, inconsistent treble, or bass rolling off early. May sell a few things and go back to the Hifiman Arya Stealth for headphones and the Zero:2 for IEMs since they’re so inexpensive they travel well without worry about breaking them on the road.


I dont have the LM.

On what I am seeing right now, based on the reviews I have read so far regarding this IEM. It says it’s not really much of an upgrade when you already own the original EA500, as well as the EM6L, and I own both IEMs in my collection and it has been a while since I have purchased a new one.

I don’t know what my upgrade path is even next, for the LMs in a way intrigues but given on what is being said about it by most folks, I am not sure if I should get it. EA1000? Not sure, might be the next upgrade for me, but I think it would be better for me to look for more or at least get some suggestions.

I got mine today, and I think they are a tiny bit better, but not by much. That said, I need more time.

I do like the sound a bit better with the brass nozzle, and I want to experiment with that on the OG EA500, just to see if the nozzle is the bit doing the heavy lifting. I do find that my preferred test everything track “The Weight of Dreams” ( by Greta Van Fleet ), the rumbly sub bass isn’t as forward as I expect around the 4:25 mark before the solo.

I really like the EA500, the LM, and the Olina SE, but these three sets represent the upper bound of how bright I like an IEM. In that under $100 price range, I tend to get out the Artti R1, or even the Kailua more often.


That is interesting and thanks for sharing your thoughts about it. For I am really am considering getting this even though I know I should be getting an IEM that is a direct upgrade from the EA500 or even the EM6L.

I am not sure about the EA1000 but if it’s indeed the upgrade or something, I might get that instead, but there are peeps have been telling that when it comes to the drivers, the LM apparently is better than the EA1000.

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IMO, if you enjoy what you have stick with them for a while longer and when you DO buy something new, chances are it will be even better and/or cheaper.

(EA500 > EA1000 IMO.)