đŸ”¶ SJY Moonlight

Well, I couldn’t resist the itch to grab a Mjolnir 3. So I will not be getting a WA-22 next year. So, once I get my unit I will let you know how it powers the Moonlight.


Did anyone try to oil or use wood wax to give the earcups a nicer finish?

Has anyone tried the s17 pro?

I measured my Moonlight with a Chinese iec711 coupler with headmount system.

That rig is well calibrated, so there is no significant error than gras measurements.

The driver in my moonlight seems to have a different fr and different structure than the one used in the dms review

My driver doesn’t even have a pattern on the inside
Is it normal? Can anyone confirm this?

Anyway, headphone sounds great with some eq.
I quite like it.

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The grill pattern on the inside was a prototype, but due the cost of the grill I decided to remove the pattern and went with a blank grill.

I slightly tuned the mids lower to increase some soundstage which is why it’s different than the one of the prototype.

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I want one on my desk just to look at. :heart_eyes:


I have a question about these. I have a pair of Moonlights, but I just can’t seem to fully drive them. I am using them single ended, which is what I think the problem is. I have the Starry Nights and they work wonderfully single ended. Do I need to upgrade to a balanced amp for these? I do like how they sound, but I’m just wondering if they could sound better. They get loud enough, but they’re just missing some oomph.

Welcome to Hifiguides!
I own both headphones, what amplifier are you using to power them?

I use a Schiit Asgard 3 to power them. They still sound great when I crank it, but compared to Starry Nights, something is lacking.

Is it the Bass frequencies that are lacking? Mids? Treble?

Starry Night hit a little harder in the Bass frequencies than Moonlight (at least on my setup).

Maybe it’s just the differences between both of them. The Starry Nights just sound more vibrant to my ears, which it’s kind of why I like the Moonlights more. The sound on the Moonlights just seems kinda veiled.

Unfortunately moonlight opens up as the amp quality and max power rating goes up. I own an Asgard 3, and it drives both headphones okay, but they both open up as you feed them more power. For instance I like the sound of Starry night the most when powered by one or two Schiit Gjallarhorns (speaker amp with a 4 banana plug to 4 pin XLR adapter cable). Moonlight opens up more with class A and Class AB amps over 7 watts of power. Don’t upgrade your amp just for the Moonlight though, unless you were planning on upgrading anyway.

I currently run my moonlight off of a Mjolnir 3 which has 2 watts, but that is an exception. Something like a Jotunheim 2 via the balanced jack would work as well.

Hi Jeffrey, I am wondering if you will be making more of the Moonlights?
could we get custom colors if requested?
looking for COTTON CANDY SYJ MOONLIGHT. (pinks, blues, purples)

Hi, am interested in the presets for EQ for when I get Moonlight
can message me? :slight_smile:

That would be interesting, but he is most likely working on the next project I would assume. :thinking:

Sorry for the late reply, hurricane beryl caused total blackout in my city. Just got some internet access. It’s so dark at night I can see stars.

I will probably make a revision of the moonlight some time in the future. Im currently working on a few projects so I’m can’t make any custom moonlight for now.


Glad you hear you are alright. I hope your utilities get fully restored soon.


No problem, good to hear you are safe.
Looking forward to hearing about your other projects as well.