Subbass Headphones

Looking for some subbass cans. I have Argons, but my right cup stated to rattle just barely when I push them hard. So looking for something with a little better build quality. I have a lot of respect for what Mod House does, but you can only push the T50s so far. I am eyeing the Campfire Cascades currently. Until I can find a pair I would like to get some more recommendations. Enog2 Pro to 789. Mostly heavy metal and EDM. Under $800. Thanks!

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Cascades are pretty solid, pretty nice. If you want subbass and alot of it, the fostex x00 purpleheart are great for bass fun, and so is the x00 ebony or teak. The build is nice but it isn’t the most durable. Nighthawk carbons with suede pads are pretty good at that as well


Of all of those, does 1 stand out from the pack as far as bass and build goes?

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For bass def the fostex, for build the nh carbons are pretty solid, but the bass on the hawks is also solid imo

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Couple more questions. What about when you take mids and trebles into consideration? Don’t want to neglect those as well. And how do those compare to Argons with respect to bass? Since that is my reference.

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Klipsch HP-3 if you can get them on sale for $700 like I did.


You too? lol

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So in terms of midrange, starting with the hawks it’s got pretty great midrange and bass for impact, naturalness, and just warmth. A bit recessed treble though. It’s got really unique soundstage that recreates space in an interesting way, pretty nice. For the x00, the ph is somewhat v shaped so a slight recession there, but still pretty nice, the bass is a bit more boosted in comparison. It’s more narrow and aggressive, with more prominent treble. The x00 ebony or emu teak is a bit more neutral with similar technicality and a bit wider sound but still not large.

The argons vs the hawks, the argons will have more subbass quantity, but I think the hawks have better quality and also more real impact, with more detail and naturalness, very pleasing. For midrange the hawks are a decent bit more engaging here imo, as the argons are slightly weak in the mids. For treble, the hawks will have less sparkle and presence than the argons, but still good detail and enough to be satisfying. So the hawks have a more interesting spatial recreation imo, more impressive to me, moreso creating a space, where the argons are just pretty dang wide

For the ph vs the argon, the ph has more subbass impact, quantity, and quality imo, for midrange the ph has a bit more dipped midrange but also imo better impact and timbre still, for treble it’s much more detailed and aggressive than the argons. More intimate or smaller stage though.

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Hp3 for that sale is real solid as well, most biodyna are great for bass lol

@Wesley if you looked around, and found a used pair of zmf eikon in your range that would be pretty damn sweet


@M0N I’m mostly looking forward to you finding a great bass headphone that hasn’t been discontinued lol

…and when you do I’ll buy it!

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PH sound pretty tempting. Pricing?

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I mean, there are other out there lol, these are just some current top picks in this price range

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Used like 300-400? Also they would be a step down in comfort and changing the pads affects the signature alot

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Hmmm might just wait a bit longer and see if anything new comes out soon.

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Being tempted by the Klipsch HP-3 now. AAAAAAAAAA!!!


I love my HP-3, the only thing I dislike is the leather band up top is really well-made but I find it somewhat uncomfortable after 20-30min. I’m waiting on my Dekoni nuggets to get here to add some comfort.

I don’t always agree with Zeos’s reviews but nearly everything he said in his review of these I agreed with.


Now I’m contemplating life. Might save up for ZMF Aeolus.

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If you going to save for ZMF, buy used Eikons, they tend to be cheaper than used Aeolus (for whatever reason) and they are the better Headphone IMO.


Summoning @hawaiibadboy lol. I think there are some classics out there that will rattle scull, but I don’t know what they are OP. M0N has mentioned some good ones such as ph and biodynamics in general. The lcd2c is good if you eq up the bass, they are my number 1 so far for headphones with bass slam and will get after it if you push them.


What do Eikons usually go for?

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