Sundara buyer's doubt

I always find myself jumping in when the Nighthawk is mentioned. I can’t help myself. :sweat_smile:
I like listening to metal on the Nighthawk also. I like them for generes that tend to get a little too excited in the treble for extended periods of time (constant cymbal crashes, shrieking synth noises etc.) I love that loud crazy stuff but I don’t enjoy
listening to it on some headphones because it can feel like too much during a long listening session. The hawks fill that spot for me with their smoothed out treble response and their weighty overall sound.

Actually, last week on Monday I ordered 3 Schiit units from their official US website (I’m in Europe too) and even though I had to pay over $50 for FedEx shipping, they were just delivered without any added import or customs taxes.

So if their units would solve your problem, I’d consider them if I were you.

Just $50? Did you have to pay any tax at all? If not, you payed basically the same price we get in the US

None whatsoever. I paid $397 for 3 units and $58 for international FedEx. Came down to a total of €409 in euros, no added taxes or anything, and it only took 6 days door-to-door. (Order was dispatched on Wednesday.)

So I hereby declare all of Europe Schiit-eligible.

I think different countries have different rules for imports. My experience in Germany has been quite miserable. There’s a limit of €100 where there’s no tax, but I still need to travel for one hour to the customs office, wait up to three hours, open the package in front of an officer and possibly pay a fee anyway.

I went to a shop and tried the 99 Classic, DT 880, HD660s and (after the assistant searched three times), the 99 Neo.

I decided for the 99 Neo. It was close with the Classics but I found the sound to change a lot depending on the exact position of the driver next to my ear. Maybe the other pads would have improved the issue, but it was a demo unit whereas the Neo was unboxed fresh.

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Good luck! Hope the Neo works you. I have never heard one.

I own two of those and am interested in a third. :grin:

You can get some pretty good headphones for a very reasonable price these days.

After a while with the Neo, I’m much happier. Much more engaging. Adds a very comfortable amount of bass to older rock/metal like Black Sabbath, but still not too much in other songs (I had this problem with the Classic)

I received an Amazon gift card and wondered what to use it on… turns out the Nighthawk Carbon is still available. At €250 new, I have to try.

I think I’ve taken my first “hit”. I was happy with the AD-700 for probably about a decade, but now I want more and more…


Well, after a couple of days with the Nighthawk, I am taking them to my grave. Since people say there is no real upgrade, I think I’m “done” with headphones for some years. I will give it a couple more days and compare with the 99 again, but I don’t think I’ll keep those.

Still curious about upgrading my DAC/amp though, since I’m just using the Zen DAC.


Since u have both, how do u compare the sound signature of the Sundara and Nighthawk? Looking for a complement to my Suns.

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I don’t have both; I returned the Sundara. Was blown away by the Sundara but they didn’t fit my kind of music. I’m pretty new at this, but I guess the hawks would be a good complement, because they’re complete opposites in terms of signature.

ok thanks for that.

Hmmm… yup sounds familiar… Nighthawk gang!!!


That would make a great compliment to the sundaras. Hawks have more bass quantity, and maybe a little wider at times. Imaging on the hawks is pretty cool. Some people expain it like a speaker in a room experience, which i agree. I’ve owned both hawks and sundara. Sundaras are a good detailed neutral from what I recall. Which amps are you currently using?

Nighthawk gang but you have the EMU teaks as your profile pic. Suspicious. I question your loyalty.

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I hate it when that happens… Yup Looks like Hawks to me…


@Bmn1251 I am using a jds atom with a now added e30 dac.
The e30 takes a tiny bit of sharp edge off the atom while not losing any of the Sundaras detail. (i like) Also increases the Depth gives me a more “live, in the hall” effect. At times tho I do like a bit bassier, richer sound, so perhaps hawks or something similar would work for me. Listen to mostly orchestral and female vocals such as Barielles, Jacintha and my favorite Emily Claire Barlow. Appreciate any further suggestions.

Nice, hawks would do fine with that setup

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Man I regret selling my NHC. Maybe I’ll buy them again sometime soon.


If ever you can’t find them, there are always alternatives