šŸ”¶ TANCHJIM Oxygen

You couldā€™ve bought mine off me :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I am using Azla Xelastics right now, but I also liked Kbear07 and CP145.

I rec Sedna Light and shallow fit.

For cable, the stock one is fine but i use a cheap KBEar. I like the pink-ish copper color.

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Didnā€™t know you had one for sale :roll_eyes:
Guess the next level of craziness is to buy another pair of oxygen.
Sadly(luckily) Iā€™m not there. :laughing:
Thanks for the rec, I will try them out.

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Holy C, I think itā€™s too rich for my blood :sweat_smile:

Haha lol, not sure why it says $0.01. itā€™s more like $3.49 or somethingā€¦

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I was able to get a hold of the Olina and really see if the claims were true and they kind of are. Basically, the Olina are a more comfortable version of the O2 without the holographic qualities and a smaller more congested soundstage. They probably should have copied the shell more because just having the same diver with the same tuning but in a different shell, does not equal a 1 for 1 clone of the O2 sound wise.

It is very good for its price and does make all the IEMs under the O2 from Tanchjim kind of pointless. It doesnā€™t replace or beat the O2, except that it will be more comfortable for more people. You can also use more tips with the Olina.

I did try out the mods for the Olina and they still couldnā€™t match the O2ā€™s soundstage or holographic qualities. What I mean by holographic, is that these IEMs sound like they are on a tube amp all the time. Sounds just have a great natural placement all around you. Most IEMs just have left, right, and center staging of the sounds but the O2 can place music all around you.

The Olina are pretty good but they arenā€™t better soundwise than the O2 in my opinion. They are still a good buy at their price and come with a decent cable too.


Thanks for your take! You might want to post this on the official Olina thread: šŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina - #1367 by Jazzdoit

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I donā€™t think I will. Right now if I post a slightly negative review there, I will just get dogpiled on by people that want to have their purchase decision reenforced.


I like the cut of your jib sir!!

Doubt so. Lot of criticism has been done. No one will blink an eye as itā€™s an opinion. Everyone hears different. For instance, you are the first person I heard saying O2 is more holographic than Olina. Most people heard the opposite until now. It is what it is and people should respect others opinions.

Same could be said about oxygen ownersā€¦ He said/she said situation. As long as people are happyā€¦ They are two great iems :slight_smile:


I feel a lot of comparisons are from memory with the O2 that I have read or saw. I have both of them now and I tested them with the same tips, cables, and source. Thereā€™s a very clear advantage the O2 has over the Olina to me. The Olina though does make the Aria and Hana kind of pointless and it is very good for its price.


Is it possible to buy the drivers myself? Iā€™ve got the Olinaā€™s and really like them. Now I would really like tot try and build (and of course tune) my own set with the drivers of the oxygen. For now i canā€™t seem to find a site that sells the drivers.