TH-X00/TR-X00/E-MU Teak/Denon biodynamic general discussion

I was talking about the huge venting holes on the Eikon and Atticus and how ZMF was able to get away from them and have a much more closed design with much better isolation yet attain an even larger stage. There’s a lot going on with the VC design.

My point is… Simply chopping huge holes into your TR-X00 cups might not be the best solution. :slight_smile: But by all means, go ahead and try it. I’d enjoy seeing photos.


If I may be honest.
I own the mahogany myself and I liked it very much in the beginning.
With time less than I restored the D7200 and the Denon D2000.
Before you go to any trouble, try the Emu Purplehearts, if you don’t like it you can always stick to your plan.
In the meantime I took the mahogany down and exchanged it for ebonies also from Emu.
And I do not miss the mahogany at all.
If I had to compare all three, the mahogany would be the worst cup.
Even the plastic cup from the Denon D2000 is better.
For me the mahogany is much too shrill on top and too soft in the bass.
Otherwise everything fits in terms of liveliness and stage.
You can pick it all up with the Puroel heart cup from Emu.
It is less shrill, gets more pressure in the bass and very good scenery and liveliness.
I don’t want to miss it anymore.

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Gotcha…my mistake. Thought you meant they’d figured out how to do the VC with no venting at all.

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Very few closed backs are truly “closed”. Even the Focal Stellia have a port behind the Focal logo. Lawton Chambers have four large ports at the seem/edge of the cup.

That’s why perforated pads can work with many “closed” backs, including Fostex.

I use ZMF Verité Be Hybrid pads on my Lawton Modded Fostex. Auteur Perf also work well. You do need to use an attention ring as backing for the pad to maintain proper pressure in the pad (mostly bass is affected by this), as perforations reduce air pressure.


They mostly did yes. I`ll be making a rough mock up wooden cup soon so I’ll report back with the findings


Maybe you would be interested in tryil somthing like this open back mod.

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They got close. It’s quite the achievement what they accomplished. You gotta have some kind of venting on a closed back.

I hope you succeed in what you’re looking for in your mod. Good luck!



Since I have the Fostex mahogany and I found the mahogany cups horrible, I got the Ebony’s from Emu in combination with the Accessory house pads and deco rings.
I made my own cables Viablue eps 2 with the Fostex connectors I found at Alliexpress and 4 pin Xlr connectors from Furutech.
So I can connect it symmetrically to the Singxer Sda 2 C.

The horrible heights of the mahogany were gone immediately after the reconstruction.
The mahogany was much more brilliant and the mids and bass were also moderate.
What bothered me a bit was that he played a bit reserved.
The millisecond pauses are okay because he plays more quietly.
But it was too quiet for me.
I tried to use the foam that is included in the Lawtonkit, but that was nothing.
I threw it right out.

By chance I found pads from Yaxi in two versions, one with leather and one with leather and Alcantara.
I ordered them from Japan for 58$ and arrived today after about one week delivery time.

Without deconi rings it does not go unfortunately.
Compared to the accessory pads you lose something in general and the singer’s voice is too far away.
But with the Dekoni rings and the Alcantara version all respect.
After that he didn’t play so restrained with breaks.
He now plays more dynamic and lively and lively after the padswap.
Without affecting the treble middle and bass ranges.
On bass he may have lost a little bit of contour but not noticeably, hardly worth talking about, but he did put a little more pressure on it.
It makes you really happy and fun.
So I can recommend the pads which are not a waste of money when used with the deco rings.
I have only tested it on the Ebony, not on my converted Rosewood Denon.
The pads can also be used on the Hifiman and the site also offers due rings for the Hifiman for 10$.
The assembly is unfortunately with a little bit of feeling in demand because if you want to put your finger in to tighten the ring it will pull it out again.
The other thing about the pads is the following.
The thin side comes up with the seam.
The good thing is that even if you have slightly slanted ears you can turn the pads as your ear is and adjust them to fit your ear, not a bad idea.

Direct comparisons with my two modified Fostex Tr x00 Ebony Emu and Denon D2000 with Rosewood Emu cups I have not yet done due to time constraints.
But I am satisfied with both of them and the investment has paid off.
What I can say to my friends is that the Denon D7200 has a really hard time against the two if they are modded correctly.
I would say that if it is modded right with lawton mod the insulation is on it, the emu cups with the matching pads and deconi rings on it does nothing wrong.
Especially when it comes to the bass, the modded ones have the edge.
But I still need some time for the comparisons.
All this would not have been possible without you guys here in the forum.
At this point a big thanks from me.:pray::pray::pray::pray::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::v::v::v::v::v:


That’s awesome! They look really good. You also did a good job with the cables.

These Foster BioDyna’s are fantastic, and are my favorite. :+1:t4:

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Starting to agree with you @ValentineLuke. Not all the way there yet…still working on pad and attenuation ring combos for my Lawtons. But the frequency range those Fostex biodynas can hit is staggeringly huge.


They’re pretty special.

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Something I noticed was the level of transparency they have. When I recently purchased my custom cables I went with a silver hybrid, not putting much thought other than knowing silver has better conductance, so why not.

The cables actually brought up a little more detail and sparkle. Not very much, but enough to notice. I was pretty amazed.

Happy listening!

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Damn, those Alcantara’s look comfy. I heard that the Emu cups are a little bit thinner than the Fostex cups. Did you find that to be the case here?

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I can’t say so, because I know the original Ebony cups from Fostex only from pictures.
I can only say that they are heavier than rosewood.

And yes silver cable is really good for the driver.
I noticed the same thing that there is more to it.
It has a better resolution and just more bling bling.
I’m really happy with the tuning.


Hey guys,
I find the modding potential of fostex really great.
I was wondering if it is possible to replace the headband assembly with ZMF ones since I love the look of them.
Is this idea too far-fetched? This is just a thought since I’m not sure if you can even buy the ZMF headband separately.

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I don’t know about swapping the headband out with a ZMF, but you definitely can add a Pilot Pad. I did with mine. Super comfortable and very well made.


Nice, those look great the earcups are beautiful.
I ordered a Beyerdynamic headband cover for now since if I were to get the Co-pilot pads from my local zmf dealer I would have to wait weeks.

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Thanks. I went with the full Lawton mod and I couldn’t be happier.

They’re Marbled East Indian Rosewood.


Does anyone know all the part numbers to get the TRX00 type connectors? I knwo there are a few bits involved.