TH-X00/TR-X00/E-MU Teak/Denon biodynamic general discussion

Yep more comfy, don’t seem to alter the sound and “cheap” :+1:

OG att rings used too :dotted_line_face:

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I just got the 177, and darn, they can’t compare to the Teaks haha. I’m gonna send them back.

BTW, I messaged E-MU to ask for different wood cups, but they haven’t responded yet. Is there any other reliable source you guys recommend?

I picked up a pair of EMU Teak Bamboo on black friday from Drop and just got them in today. Straight up, these sound like ass. Seriously, what the hell happened here?

I bought these after having gotten a CAL on sale for like 30 bucks and having been super impressed with them. CAL’s had so so technicalities but a solid rock out kind of tuning, so naturally I looked to these as a more refined upgrade to the CAL. Hell no. They sound muffled, like there’s cotton stuffed in the opening of the pad.

Mud, stuffy. Hifiman HE-R9 is what these make me think of. These are nothing like the TH-X00 that I owned either. Back they go.

Yikes, I haven’t actually heard much about the bamboo cups. I had the Teak cups swapped out for some Sapele cups, that made them a bit similar to the the X00 Purplehearts I have, those were pretty good.

Now I know to avoid the bamboo cups.

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I think the emu bamboo is not as praised as the Teak for a reason.

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Yeah I think I either got a bad par, because there is some pretty noticeable channel imbalance in the ear gain region, or the bamboo simply just butchers the sound of these because my impressions don’t match other peoples really at all.

Yeah its too bad, bamboo were the only ones in stock on drop

I am kind of surprised though. I know each wood will have it’s own sound sig, but if they sound straight up ass to you, bad pair, or maybe not for you then. A different wood won’t make it sound too different.

I couldn’t quite stand closed or semi-closed, so I’ve since modded them to be open backs. I guess they may not sound as fantastic in stock form as I once used to believe.

I have the teaks and looking for a quality cable under $30. Anything good out there? I have some cheap one that’s super thin and plasticy and annoying since the oem one broke off.

It’s hard to find cables for the teaks that are cheap and not made terribly. The ones it came with work just fine but eventually I just couldn’t stand them anymore. The cheapest I could find were Hart cables, but they were about $60. You might be able to find some used cables somewhere so keep your eyes peeled.