@Rinderkappajoe Got some more Chilli of the Valley sauces as they keep going lol…Their WAHTHEFAH? was the hottest sauce I’ve tried yet even hotter than South Devon Chilli farms Reaper and that was
A bit apprehensive about the new purchase “Mr Spicy” as it a colab with Arturo Rencricca former European League of Fire Champion and contains amongst other ’s 9 million SHU Oleoresin Capsicum…gonna be
Seems like something I would like.
I grew up in Queens NYC, and ate a lot of Indian, Bangladeshi, Thai, and so on. Love me some spice.
Nice thread!
Haha that Mr Spicy artwork is great, trippy and hot!
The hottest one i tried was the Mad Dog 357 but that’s just crazy and nothing i would use regularly.
The Blimey is more to my taste
Not tried that one but my go to for a full English breakfast and add to anything sauce is their Moruga…hot but not crazy, the pear sweetness and garlic comes through to make it a perfect allrounder
Edited…Just checked out ‘Blimey’… King Naga, White Wine Vinegar (SULPHITES) , Garlic, Onion, Dark Muscovado Sugar, Lime Juice (SULPHITES) , Salt
That sounds dope, Muscovado, Naga and Lime Juice will defo add to my next order
this tread makes me sad because the last 3 yeas i planted different chilli plants like red and yellow scorpions, carolina reaper and different types of habaneros but i didn’t get any pod from them. only the local cayenne or sweet peppers we have here grow and yield well but not those super hots. the problem is they grow well, look healthy and flower ALOT (100+ in the season) but the flowers always fell off. im guessing the humidity is duper low where i live
here is a hot ramen pic for bonus, the 3x one is very hot.
Yeah, a lot of talk about this .
It is funny due to the fact that all other countries in Europe seem to have no issues with the spice levels. The biggest joke is that they were telling parents to call the poison hotline if their kids were exposed to that ramen.
Then there is someone like me who grew up going to Thai restaurants and asking for dishes “Thai Spicy”.
Phet Mak-mak
I ordered it like that a few times in Thailand…best part is how the waiters keep an eye on you to see if you survive it or laugh at you when they see you sweating and coughing
My grandkids have me get Buldak noodles for them.
I order a 15 on the 10 point scale at one of the Thai places we go to.
Ironically this will skyrocket their sales probably. The Streisand effect.
Cool (or should I say “spicy”) thread! I have been a hot sauce fan for a while now but had to adjust my dosage as I age (and for the stomach’s sake).
This is my current favorite, in the hottest blend level, where it’s just flavorful enough to be palatable yet still deliver a Bruce Lee kick to the face once the slow-burn happens. it also has a unique smokiness to the flavor that sets it apart from the usual hot sauces I get.
I first discovered it when visiting their quaint little spice shop in Huntersville, NC while visiting a friend.
Ghost chillis and a Smoky hit are a great combo…the slowish chilli rise of the ghost with that smokiness
Agreed, it def adds that extra bit of “something” that blends well together.
Btw that spoon pic next to the hot sauce…so true. I do this to first test any new sauce I get…not on food, straight up!
I know it’s not much of a hot pepper anymore…but 30 years ago the habenaro was king of the roost. I remember being at a Mongolian grill one night and the cook was daring people to eat some habenaro. being the dumb teenager I was, I popped the whole habenaro into my mouth, not one of the smaller pieces. I probably drank a 4 gallon of milk that visit!!!
Yeah, I remember doing a hot pepper eating contest at the Uni. It was a blend of Jalapeño and Habanero that the event organizer (and my friend) got for us competitors to consume (chewing, not just swallowing) as fast as we could. She purposefully gave me more Habanero’s, maybe to get back at me for something or just wanted to see me suffer. The seeds is what gets you here…def numbed the mouth after eating ~5 but I ended up winning the competition.
Contrary to popular belief it’s the peppers placenta which secrete capsaicin that contains the heat and not the seeds
Interesting and good to know…thanks for sharing this!
So you like it raw eh?
Well, have you already found LSD in the Chilli of the Valley Shop?
If you try it please make sure that the Mrs. records a video for us!

I’ll defo be buying some fresh pods this year when they’re ready from…
I’ll see how that goes first lol.