I’m really interested in these not only for the deal/discount as they’re being discontinued, but also to compare them to the Mg. I really think that may dip me into the category of “has a problem” though lol.
by the time you admit it to yourself, you’ve had a problem for awhile
Don’t feel to bad, I want to get the OG Clear for the same reason. Absolutely don’t need it, and I am 99% certain that I would still prefer the Mg, but I still want to compare them just to know what changed. And if that means I have a problem, so be it, lol.
This thread just makes me want to wait for a utopia mg.
Utopia uses Beryllium, so it would more likely be Utopia Be. But they already have a speaker line named Utopia Be, so, we will have to wait and find out what happens when/if they refresh the utopia.
ADORAMA has the Focal Elegia for 399. Price shows up in the shopping cart at check out.
Not for me.
It doesn’t change to $399
where do you get the notification of this, im signed up to adorama but i dont recieve email on that. I wish the Clear or Clear pro sale is back on on their site
Hmm yeah weird.
I found it on this website slickdeals.
I had an issue with trying to purchase one. PayPal charged me but the transaction didn’t go through with adorama in the first place. Now I need to contact paypal.
Looks like the site is working properly now, they’re listed for $399 now.
Now that the deal is active, thoughts everyone?
I like them. The tonality is a bit wonky somewhere in the midrange but it ends up being a good thing if you’re going to wear them for a long time. Perfect for an eight hour work day. Plenty of isolation from the outside environment, zero fatigue, good technicalities. They’re also REALLY sensitive so you can run them off a phone if you want - but they do scale with electronics.
God damn it
can u elaborate on the wonkiness of the midrange? thinking about picking them up. but i have been listening to a lot of vocal oriented music of late.
I’m not particularly sensitive to tonal stuff (other than brightness) so it’s hard for me explain it. I would say the vocals are recessed some but I can’t tell in which area. For reference, HD600 is one of my favorite headphones (known for its midrange) so switching to Elegia is definitely “different” but I don’t find it offensive or anything. Just different.
You got the wp900 right? IMO the elegias compliment those perfectly, the weakest part of the wp900s midrange (somewhere in the lower mids) is the strongest and best part of the elegias, and vice versa, I find the elegias wonkiness to be somewhere in the upper mids, but its not wonky at all in most of my library, just in some mixes.
got ya. been thinking about picking them up for a while. have heard good things about them. the higher end focal’s don;t really interest me as i think they will have to much treble for my tastes.