Topping D10 is on sale right now for $65, would it be worth it to buy it with an atom, or save some money on a k5 pro?
The d10 is a better dac than the k5 pro I would say spend the extra $15 on the atom/heresy with a d10
I would go with the d10 and the atom or magni heresy imo
B-stock headphones for sale. High-end names and styles
Wow, theres a lot of good deals here. They have the Susvara here. in that intervew with the hifiman ceo Fang Bian he said it was hifimans flagship headphone. also what the hell is a Crosszone CZ-1 2200$? never heard of it before. has 3 drivers:
But it only gets bad reviews, so even at that price it seems like a waste of money. I found it around the same price some months ago, but after reading a lot of reviews I decided not to get it.
I mean I actually kinda liked it over stuff like the 95x, l300, and l500, for that price it isn’t bad imo. The main limitation is that energizer from my experience
What’s this?
The hifiman Jade II. I do think that someone might be better off trying to find a used headphone only for a good deal and buying a better energizer
These are in Canada:
The second one is almost two weeks old.
Beyerdynamic DT 240 pro’s are one sale at massdrop for 63$ regular 100$
ESS 422H on sale for 124$ regular 200$ 2 drivers. includes a AMT driver!
Is there a different between the Drop and the Massdrop version, aside.feom the branding? I don’t think there is. If so, that’s a good deal.
This is a killer deal for anyone considering a Bottle Head Crack, $100 off until March 8th
Hell. These were 200, then 150 (on the official site still), now 125 (if you can wait one month).
They’re pretty… but I’m treble-sensitive. Putting AMT tweeters next to my ears would be the dumbest idea ever, probably.
I compared the two on drops website. In terms of sound they both sound the same but aesthetically they’re a little different…
damn, and i just bought a dark voice for the same price from drop that im still waiting for
Uh yeah, and after the DV arrives, you will open the box, plug it in, burn the front tub in for a few days to get rid of the hum and have a working amplifier. The BC requires solder and a bit of patience before you can attempt to plug it into a wall socket and even then most folks want to upgrade it so not really a fair comparison. What you need to do is buy the bottlehead w/ all the upgrades too😈
Well, I’m pretty sure you still have to find out if you like tubes first, no?
hell no man, i’m a AUDIOPHILE!