These are my Favorite Headphones, need recommendations

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my preferred headphone sound. Ive tried a lot of headphones with difference sounds. Then the HarmonicDyne Helios came along. Everything seemed to fall into place for me and my history with this hobby and the headphones ive always liked. The Aiva with its close soundstage and V shaped signature. The Elex with its W shaped signature. The Fostex with its boosted bass and the meze noir and 1more triple.

So what i’m looking for now are recommendations. I would like to know which headphones out there have this fun/exciting/aggressive sound signature. V or W shaped frequency response. Close soundstage and detail. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Any price range.

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The Final D8000 Pro, impactful and fun, v shaped a bit, more intimate stage, lots of detail to be had imo, sounds up your alley

TH900 mk2? Pretty exciting, detailed, v shape, forward sound, and also a closer stage.

I still think you would most likely enjoy the utopia as well imo

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Glad to hear it. cause i would really like to hear the Uptopia

The Helios is your current favorite? Hmmm I think I need to give these a try.
How does the tuning compare to the 4XX?

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I think the 4xx are more nuetral arent they? anyway i didnt like them that much

I’m listening to Simple Minds New Gold Dream in the Helios and they sound great. i really love these headphones just want a higher end version of them

I guess you could say they fall into the neutral class. Compared to the Sundara, they have a more of a v shape.

Anyway I brought them up because they happen to be my favorite for (not so well mastered) pop music.

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I’ve always wanted a TH900 mk2 or the 909s… Are they are on the brighter side of the sound signature?

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niceeee, sounds good!

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Yes, especially the mk1, that was really bright. The v2 is more of a balanced v shape but can still be a tad bright. The sapphire versions are actually a warmer tuning


I mean, since you liked the helios so much. You try the T1, T5, 177x, or 1990s from beyer yet? Would assume these would be fairly similar to that of the helios since it’s a V signature. Would say the Aeon open x or AEON open 2 or ether if thats more your style for analytical would be a nice test run too. Absolutely in love with my open x

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The Beyers are known to have a very wide soundstage. Hows the soundstage on the Aeon?

Definitely not as big as the beyers… it sounds rather spacious however, I can’t say it’s close or wide somewhere in the middle meanwhile maintaining a warm V style signature. Swapping out the inserts does change the treble and some other features though and I am still burning them in… so subject to change a bit. They do come with a double 4 pin xlr barrel connector so you can balance them but the double sided cabling for the xlr balance is sold seperately

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I will tell you this much ant. You know I liked the sundara and you claim helios puts that to shame… I personally think the aeons put the sundara to complete shame in every aspect other than the highs and even thats very minor for a complaint. for me its a straight upgrade to those. Have read some places that state instead of a V its actually an L cant say for certain honestly… rather inexperienced in that area lol

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Well i said that the Helios can trade blows with the Sundara in certain features of a headphone. I felt it crushed the 880. The lower end Beyerdynamic’s have a thin sound and lack body, the Helios doesnt suffer from that and its close to their price point. Also i feel it has more detail.

I’ll check out the Aeons. Thing about them is the headband. it looks like they lack clamp. hows the clamp on them?

how can you say that when you’ve only really tried one of the lower end beyers the mmx 300, 770,990 mave much more body in the low end and possibly even the tygr

I can definitely agree after testing others on this statement. 770 especially had a quite a lot more. Personally, I really did not like the 880s at all I just acknowledge they are still a good headphone. just definitely not for me

Aeons actually have pretty good clamp. More than you’d think looking at them, but not too much. I’d say a bit less than a 58x, maybe a touch more than a 4xx.

I will agree it definitely has some clamp but it’s really subset thanks to the really plush pads it has. The headphone feels like a closed back as far as clamp force goes and really isolates you inside the headphone meanwhile is a complete open back. It’s weird cause wearing it makes it feel closed till you hear the sound. Haven’t gotten to try aeon 2 yet… would love to but not for that price tag. Maybe if it goes on sale I will consider it. Supposedly it has a wider sound stage and a lot of tweaks. Not sure how they would improve the aeon open x though it sounds incredible. Unlike its predecessor that was all over the place and no dynamics this is kind of the polar opposite to that.

It sounds like you just want something different. Why not rotate back to an old favorite?