These are my Favorite Headphones, need recommendations

I personally think it’s a very large leap forward. The open flow was something I strongly disliked due to the compression and unengaging tuning imo, the open x gave it a bit more fun tuning, but the compression issues still bother me enough where I don’t enjoy it. The 2 gives more stage, more impact, fixes the compression issues, and is a more neutral signature but I absolutely enjoy it more than the aeon flow and aeon x, sold my ether c flow 1.1 for the aeon 2 after a week of getting the 2

hmm, thats something we can definitely agree on I did notice the compression.I wouldn’t say its severe compression but it’s noticeable. I don’t know if i would agree with a more neutral sound for these though being the better option. I think it’s one of those cases where I would have to actually hear the aeon 2 though to make that decision as aeon is a warmer headphone so catering towards neutral? not sure how I feel on that as my dt 1990s already do that… I don’t think really describing aeon does it enough justice. I didn’t like the idea of it originally till I actually tried it thought I would hate it. If AEON 2 really does deliver that much of a difference I would be very inclined to try it provided I can find it on sale or used at a cheaper price. Going to take a little while but I am taking the time to burn in the aeon. Not sure if theres other planars like the aeon out there though the only other planar on my radar right now to try is the Sendy Aiva.

I think the tuning of the aeon 2 is a full upgrade from the aeon flow, but a different tuning of the aeon open x, but imo still an upgrade. The different filters do change the sound though, and the aeon open x actually uses aeon 2 pads iirc, so it actually might be closer than you think

From my experience it’s just neutral, but can get warmer or change a tad depending on the filters you put in

They have sales for bstock or open box around 750 from time to time, I guess wait for one to pop up used for a good price

Yes, the pads are the same as aeon 2 and the filters work in the same manner where you can adjust the low end, sound stage, and the treble accordingly.

it could be a bit neutral but to my ears it’s warm… possibly though cause im used to wearing the dt 1990 and 990 so much which are incredibly bright headphones.

A hell of a high price for someone who doesn’t plan to record music or anything and plan to use it for gaming/casual listening. Nonetheless I will be keeping an eye on them just incase.

Sorry Rice, I was talking to someone here on the forums and they where saying the same thing. that all 3 where thin sounding. he even said he felt the 990s where the most like that

would love to get a link to the conversation I wanna see why it was described as thin… cause Ive only seen people refer to the 880 sounding thin never the 990 or 770 onlly people describing them as either too much bass or too much treble.

It was Falenkor lol

cool thanks

I told you it was thin several times lmao 880 is definitely thin… 990 only sounds thin cause that treble is so friggin sharp so everything sounds bright

what is your definition of a thin sound falenkor?

Sorry lol. i got OCD. I have a terrible memory

high and sometimes unpleasant, not enough body

ah ok I never felt that it didnt have enough body personally. can be sharp and unforgiving though defintely but lack of body I dont understand cause of that midbass bump.

Whats teh best headphone you have rice? the 990’s?

I mean I use my 990 the most but I own the 58x as well the 4xx. Im more of a comp gamer more than I am a audiophile. but I have treid and used much more expensive headphones and sourgear than what I have. I just dont have the cash to drop on audio cause I drop so much more on my other hobbies.

I also listen to a lot of stupid heavy bass music so any more bass can really kill some ears.

I came down to that thought process after going to 1990s like I have. Personally, it sounds okay especially in some genres of music… the whole headphone sounds super bright and sharp which leads to that somewhat thin sound but in 990s case I was able to enjoy it and grow accustomed to it… for 880s… good neutral headphone all rounder… personally hated it due to its sound… literally could not stand it in game whatsoever bugged the hell out of me I took it off within about 6 hours said I was done with it went back to my 990s. Not enough bass not enough body the presence for me just wasnt there and I had a lot harder times with sound stage and imaging with the 880s than 990s

I also prefer the 990 to the 880, but I definitely appreciate both, the 880 especially in mixing purposes. has as much of that unforgiving nature of it that really exposes flaws in a mix

Oh no, I totally agree. For myself personally, I just don’t like the sound but for what it is and what it can do it’s actually a really good pair of headphones. I just don’t find it ideal for gaming especially in competitive. If I wanted an all rounder for casual gaming I would never use the 880s or 990s I would go with 770s if any of the dt and 177x past that. Otherwise I would use the 58x because it’s the better all rounder for casual gamers in that case and a step past that is easily the sundara and most definitely the damn aeon open x despite the compression

I like the 880 600ohm to test out amps lol. It not as hard to drive as i thought. even the RNHP can drive it. although i got to turn it up to max.

You should get the Helios for music rice. or a Sundara. but the Helios is only 180$ right now