These are my Favorite Headphones, need recommendations

Im waiting for it to drop in price. or find a used one a lot of people bought it and people are already tring to resell it. its chifi so it will take sale eventually on linsoul or ali if i dont like it ill just give it to my lil bro as a gift. but it doesnt seem different enough to my 990 to really want it to be honest and the described presentation isnt all too appealing to me.

I actually need to go and buy the RNHP… to expensive for my blood right now. I want it to drive my 1990s. Everything I read on it sounds like it seems to be good for those brighter type of headphones. Sundara for laid back Helios for aggression. Sundara is more neutral Helios is more V

oh yeah it is. my Helios sounds great on it. The Aivas had its treble reduced also. its a great amp. really makes my headphones come alive. much better than the THX i had

If you mean the Sundara just go grab a copy off of man. I got mine there for $250 on the open box model. Works fine. Probably gonna send it back cause I seriously dont need it anymore. Helios is gonna be a while till it drops though… Hell I will give someone $100 even to throw me a copy of those haha

no I mean the helios . Im more likely to get a sundara than I am a helios though cause I actually like the sundara and have tried it. the helios just urks me and ive read many reviews that make it seem to me not really worth the hype also doesn’t fit what I generally like anyway as a headphone in terms of presentation so I need a pretty heavy discount for me to really consider them. what is most likely gonna happen is me trying them when all this covid stuff is done.

Thos reviews are probably wrong or bungled in some way. For instance one described them completly different from what they are. Someone in the Helios thread said the same thing, but after burning them in said hey came alive and then started to hear what most of us did. What Zeos said it true. They are really good. With high end detail, fun V sig and a soundstage that can be wide and close depending on the music. great seperation. and good imaging.

I saw one reviewer called it muddy and when i looked at teh pictures he had the leather pads on them. and they can get muddy with those pads from my experience. no trust me they are great headphones. but they are not neutral and fans of a “natural” sound sig probably wont like them. I suspect it has beryllium drivers. or something like it. i saw the drivers and it looks metal.

I trust that they are probably good. I haven’t really seen much say its bad Ive only seen a few including the guy on the forum . most reviews I’ve seen just tray they are pretty deserving of the price they are given and compete at their respective price range but aren’t especially good as to really punch above the price range and thats what the general consensus seems to be averaged as. I’ve seen just as much mo super positive as I have seen super negative and basically averages at the consensus of “good headphone for the price”. I intend to give them a chance though dont worry. I’m just not the type to listen to a single reviewer or a few people opinions I take everyone’s opinion and basically boil it down to an average. and add my own ears into the equation. but ultimately my own ears are the make or break of it for me.


@Falenkor…think I remember you saying you were looking for used to save some cash…just saw this on Reverb. Not the best deal I’ve seen, but looks decent.

Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro

Not a bad price

too high unfortunately im in canada our dollar aint doing great right now

The Fool! Oh well i guess you cant expect everyone to see greatness.

Choo choo! lol

I should buy it and put it in a deposit box. Have a backup

I’ll wait till they hit like $100 then snag one.

Lol, it may happen. That post has been there for a while and he recently dropped the price.

yeah cause nobody buying them off other people right now.

Well their so cheap. We just got the early bird 130$ price and its still selling for 180$ I would pay that much to get it new and not have to deal with someone elses scummy dross

with how new they are you might as well, the guy has max had it like a week or 2 if you really want a pack up pair, but knwoing how linsoul does things if the helios sells well drop wiill probably have them every few months fro $130

If they do that helios will soon rule the headphone world of 300$ and under.

offered him $100 lol see what he says on it.