Thieaudio Ghost

For those looking to pad swap it would appear most pads from dekoni that fit the beyer’s fit the ghost.

I think my ears are lost in the sauce at this point and I’ve lost all ability to judge sound, but thick chonker super soft leather pads make these headphones vanish on your head.

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Convenient, as I own almost every one of those pads from Dekoni for beyers, excluding the leather and perf leathers, as well as ZMF’s beyer pads. Though relatively confused, as this headphones pads are oval from the looks of it, so I am not quite sure how beyer pads are going to go about working on this headphone. Meze’s makes sense as they are slightly oval as well… but while people say beyers pads work on that meze 109 pro the pads shift around and like to come off(they are too big for the 109 pro)… so I really don’t know about all that

I would think that instead of beyers, one should be recommended pads that also fit the Shure line of headphones in this case… as the cup designs on the ghost are extremely similar

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Would you say Leather or valor works better? for the 109 i mean

Haven’t done much pad swapping when it comes to the 109 pro as nothing really fits easily in my collection onto this particular set of cans. Beyers are just too large and the lip that connects to the headphone from dekoni has too much leather causing it to not sit correctly on the headphone. When I tried changing it to the beyer pads there was a couple times I accidentally had a piece of the pad come disconnected from the headphone so I really don’t encourage this less you find a pair that fits easier(this is because the pads of the meze 109 pro are slightly oval and not fully rounded so the width of the beyer pads is too much on top of the lip of the pads being far too much in excess) Though as far as pad swapping? Something that breathes is definitely better for that set of cans as it naturally has a velour type material on it with leather(might be pleather actually) inside of the pad. Suedes are what I tried and while it altered the signature it wasn’t bad… it’s just I would gladly take stock over the ones I tried


Meze’s stock pads the way!Dekoni beyers pads little loose on the 109 pro but usable if you like the sound that way :man_shrugging:t2:!Can you show me how big the beyes pads on your meze?

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I did something like this already

seen there with a picture having one of the beyers pads on the headphone. I will say though that if people plan to mess with the meze 109 pro’s pads to be very gentle with them… I am in the process of purchasing new ones because their stitching can absolutely break relatively easy and they are quite fragile where the white portion shows on the pads where the fabrics stitched together.

The beyer pads do fit on the meze 109 pros its just a bit too wide

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We need to try every modes what we can :wink::smile:If its little wider no problem for me!

it’s only a problem for me in that its not properly sealing to the headphone which can alter the way the sound presents itself. If the pad slips off a part of the way it causes issues. The stock meze 109 pro pads fit very tightly into the seals on the headphone same way the original beyer dt 770,880,990 fit extremely tight. Having pads that can shift around like that and even potentially pop off if I adjust them a bit while on my head is a problem if you ask me.

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You’re absolutely right, sorry I literally posted that and went to bed.
Use those curves if you got em ;). I think the ghost just has a good lip/groove for the pad to fit into and the headphone is small enough that if you have a stretchy round pad there is a chance it will fit just fine.

Meze’s stock pads the way!

Please report if you hear any improvements over the defoamed stock pads. Really interesting test! :slight_smile:

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I am lucky then cause i able to hold with my finger tips the sides of the cups with the pads meanwhile i put it on my head!And i can hold on the center the pads as where they should be!I dont have sealing problems also!

I will see about testing the beyer pads on the ghost, while I don’t have shures pads as I don’t ever bother with the brand I can test the meze pads when the new pair get here. My old pair suffered quite the wear and tear quickly from all the pad swapping… grateful for @ZeosPantera asking mimic to stock the pads as I am a bit surprised meze doesn’t sell them personally on their store

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You should be better informed my friend!

Fuuuuuuuuck! The xenon suede pads didnt work on the ghost,but fitted quite well!The sound tamed and more muddy bass!Fuuuuck,i hoped its a good idea!

Ohh wait, i just realized there is the material in the xenon pads center :laughing::laughing::laughing:! I cant cut it out cause that will destroy my argons sound!
Its a not valid test then,sorry!

Woke up a couple of days ago after a heavy night out with friends only to discover an email from PayPal informing me I had made a purchase from Linsoul. I have apparently purchased a pair of Thieaudio Ghost headphones. Note to self, do not go window shopping after drinking !!! Oh well, another set of headphones. At least the wife has stopped bothering me when I buy headphones and IEMs.


Tell her it was a ghost that made you do it…


Still waiting on this thing to come in, wondering if there was a hold or something for this one… Athena came in shockingly fast though. Guess I can’t expect them all to ship from china within 4-5 days lol.

Sober, ordered anyway.

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Meze pads are quite expensive. Let’s hope Zeos makes a pad comparison vid.