đŸ”¶ ThieAudio Legacy 2

Doesn’t matter. Mock out my opinions as much as he wants. It doesn’t change them. The Legacy 2 is an awesome little IEM especially if you value speed in your replay and for 100 bucks? A steal for anyone jumping into the hobby. I find it beautiful and the cable is killer. A winner in my opinion.


Yea I just tried them and enjoyed them a lot for $100. I liked the tuning pretty well.

But I also just tried the Starfield and I think I personally prefer the starfield’s tuning and resolution where it is resolved.


Stafield is another great IEM but not fast at all. Great if you enjoy Harman.

I had the Starfield and KXXX. Much prefer the Oxygen to all of them.


Interesting. I’ll have to do more through side by sides.

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Oh then I totally misread the situation. I guess @hawaiibadboy might’ve pegged the tone right as critical. :open_mouth:

I thought you were just having fun with the convo. Or maybe that too. Anyway
enjoy your stuff everyone lol

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The problem with your logic is that “better” is subjective.

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Anyone being highly critical of IEM or audiophile gear should also include speed as a technicality to judge. If you’re enjoying slow music it obviously won’t matter to you how nimble your driver is, but genres such as my favorite, prog metal, and metal in general, speed matters an awful lot. A slow driver can ruin the experience when it can’t keep up and replays the audio smeared, soft or generally undefined.

Example track I use on this forum all the time when discussing transducer speed technicalities


It’ll help me for sure to have those others you mentioned to compare. Relative to the Legacy 2 at least, the Starfield is cleaner to my ear. May be more tuning related than speed though when against the Legacy 2. Im not quite sure.

Listening to the Starfield as I type, I can definitely hear a lack of speed compared to pricier gear I’ve tried. But hey, I gotta get more experience with cheaper stuff as mentioned :slight_smile:

Absolutely! I get actually more excited about budget gear than I do expensive stuff. You know it’s just a matter of time before something really good becomes cheaper and cheaper.

I just received both of these IEMs within a week of one another. Take a look at the price difference


 I got more excited received earbuds yesterday and today than with knowing my Tribid is coming monday :rofl:


Great Legacy 2 Review

“the faster and more agile driver inside the Legacy 2”

“Quicker decay and faster transients versus lengthier decay times that can sound more organic and realistic.”


First 6 minutes listening: tonality is great, sounds wonderful with everything so far, not too warm or cold for anything, perfectly good detail without sibilance. Thieaudio’s fit has always been like a puzzle piece for me so that’s a plus.

Only technical issue noted: male vocals and some female vocals have a thin raspy film “grain?” on them it might change with time.

Stage is very decent, imagining average.

Edit: It was more like 15 minutes. Time passes strangely on the can. Idea for channel name: “Testing cans on the can”


I had virtually the same experience.

I’m still listening to them now. They sound really nice with a lot of what comes up - bare tracks of singer/guitar, higher pitch tracks like The Smiths
 Dance tracks, Johnny Cash, it’s great! I love Led Zeppelin but usually earphones I like make their tracks sound thin and tinny
 somehow that’s not happening with these.

The vocal timbre issue isn’t the standard BA timbre issue. For contrast my Dusks came today and after 20 minutes I can say In skeptical about keeping them specifically because of vocals. A tad withdrawn, and just an odd timbre I assume is “BA plasticky” to use prior terms I’ve seen. A very accomplished set but the vocals really do matter to me.

On the L2 they’re not plasticky, perhaps “reedy” would describe it? Which is sad if it doesn’t change because the vocal levels are very pleasing to me. But it might? I’ll have to A/B with the Mangird later to see if I really need the improvement. The Mangird is better no doubt, but the longer I enjoy these the less I’ll remember what I’m missing
 They’re a party. Lively, never harsh.

EDIT: listening to “Now you love me” by the Dandy Warhols, great start but I spoke too soon about no harshness. It’s a busy track and the treble is starting to splash/get out of hand. Taking volume down a couple ticks made it comfortable but not fantastic.


Woop there it is. My breakdown of the Legacy 2 as a budget pick, especially as a pairing with the Starfield. I just couldn’t pick between the two. I have to recommend both for about $200 total.


Even Linsoul considers the Legacy 2 as cheap, everyday “beaters”. lol

Really looking forward to these, should be arriving today (order through armazon uk).

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have the L2 incoming, very curious how its gonna stack against the legacy 3 and fh3