🔶 Thieaudio Monarch II

I anticipated a price increase with a MKII version, based purely on the apparent onslaught of demand the original twins induced in the community, but yeah…wasn’t expecting them to butt-up against kilobuck range.

Still, showing how sick the prices have been getting for quite some time (truly, unrelentingly so since I entered the hobby 15+ years ago), $1,000 is increasingly becoming part of the “value” or “bang-for-your-buck” segment.

I still have hangups about spending above “nominal” levels on gear that can’t be sourced from US-based dealers, but I’m sure I’ll seriously mull-over taking a chance on the new Monarch.

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They can charge whatever they want because they know we will still buy it.

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I was expecting $800 tbh, but at 1k might aswell just save up for the UM mest


The first receivers of the Monarch MKII have shared some photos (from Linsoul’s discord)


Bro I suppose this is your pic?

Sick :+1:




That is one chunky boy!

well despite my protestations earlier, the more i thought about it the more i thought…F*!ck it!
Trigger pulled with the help of Zeos’s 5% code


Where is that code?


I wonder how these will compare to the Unique Melody MEST Mk2 as well as the Sony IER-M9

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MkII ordered with OG in my ears.


The bass and mids are excellent with the MK II but the highs have the same somewhat metallic timbre like the Oracle. With both I wouldn’t have expected that viewing the smoothness of their frequency response in the highs.


Did some tip rolling and found the metallic shimmer of the Monarch II to be reduced by tips with a longer and narrower bore. To my surprise the best so far, for my ears, are the double flange tips of the venerable UE TripleFi 10 Pro. They didn’t work for pretty much any other in-ear but with the Monarch II they provide a good seal and improve the highs significantly.

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Well Crin seems to like it as its officially S tier.
Got my set yesterday and this will be my end game set.


What does Crin matter, what level does he set? It is important for you to like it :sweat_smile:

On that basis, why do any of us post or ask the thoughts of complete strangers on a forum.?
His ranking isn’t anymore important than anyone elses and is free to be ignored but for some, it’s a means of shortlisting a product for potential purchase, particularly so since much of ch-fi isn’t available for pre-purchase listening.


Does that mean that if Crin didn’t like it, you wouldn’t like it? Read other people’s opinions, most are more objective :wink: .

If crin didn’t like it, he wouldn’t follow, buy nor listen to the Monarch mkII.
Following/trusting a reviewer us not about being said what to like or not: it is about selecting the products with limited resources (be it time and/or money).

Doing that you may miss the perfect iem for you, but again: one can’t test/buy everything.

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Got it today. Let’s see how it compares to Monarch OG