Those headphones you just throw away

Dude seriously? You pre-ordered that shit.

Easy…One mans “shit” is another’s :gem: in the rough?

Kind of, I’m against people pushing products that may have limited appeal. Plus repetition is a bit much.

As far as headphones to just throw away (back on topic). Razer Tarantula. I need build a proper fire to make sure no one tries to listen to those.

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Get that x2 :+1:

The only pairs of headphones I literally threw away was a Hifiman HE35x and a Takstar pro 82. They both were grainy treble cannons that sounded awful. I’d rather be forced to listen to a cat being strangled on a 24 hour loop then listen to either one for 10 seconds. I took great joy in tossing both pairs in the trash.


I will say, the NDH 20’s on the wrong amp and DAC were nearly on that list. GS-X mini + BF2 really changed that for me.

i actually did that to the Echobox Audio Finder X1’s
actual tin can

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I did just throw away the Koss UR20. I still have the Koss UR40. But the UR20 didnt sound good to my ears. it was an old pair though. maybe they lost their fidelity

Wait a minute. Youre saying the Helios has limited appeal. I dont agree with that at all. I think anyone can appreciate the Helios. I think they have big appeal. Yeah they do have a good amount of treble and are of the fun/exciting/foward headphone but i think everyone should have one.

To me the Helios should take its place among the great headphones. The DT1990, Sundara, Elex, and so forth…

Treble murder isnt fun for a lot of people…that severely limits their appeal. You’re letting your personal preferences cloud your judgement. It is the equivalent of saying the Nighthawks have mass appeal…that would be categorically incorrect. Even though I liked them, I recognize that they arent for everybody. What appeals to most people tends to be a commercial tuning, which the helios don’t have.


some would say that the Diana Phi have limited appeal, due to the price point lol


But… You would try them if you had the chance too right?


yesssss, but to be fair. i would also try the helios out if i had the chance

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Sometimes I don’t even throw broken headphones or earbuds away lol. It is almost as if I am keeping a collection or something.

Just be sure to dust off the Ants inside the box when taking out the headphone lmfao.

Headphones to throw away… HIFIMAN HE5se why the hell would you buy this over a Sundara is beyond me anyway. Hifiman 400i just buy the he4xx instead. T90 whatever demon possessed you and told you to make your ears bleed please pour some salt over your shoulder get help toss them get a T1. Oh and ya know… whenever you break your Porta pros like yours truly cause he decided to be stupid, accidentally ran them over… THE HORROR, you tend to have to throw them out and buy a new one

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In that case, the only one I wont throw away would be my first good headphone.

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Lol headphones in general especially most of the ones we deem good lack mass appeal. Big, bulky ,cables , get in the way , a pain to take places especially if your commuting open backs suck for commuting leaks everywhere , no smart features like a digital assistant functionality. Brands are not well know And expensive for most. If you want pure mass appealin audio those cheap tws iems or airpods pros or Alexa or Google homes are them.

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it’s true, compromising on sound quality i have seriously considered moving either to stricty IEMs or wireless headphones in the past. even while hearing very good headphones. IN addition to needing to buy desktop amp/dacs not to even mention the price. hi res headphones are generally a big pain in the ass

@Jose_G There must be something good about the pain though, as you seem to like playing with high fidelity audio… :smirk:

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alls im saying is its pointless to argue over appeal in a inherently niche hobby.