Topping D90 up for pre-order... (Better measured than SMSL D1)

Well your mind had to find some way to justify your purchases


“What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.” -Woody Allen


I think I had a similar conversation once before at a Phish concert. :grin::grin:


I apologize for my rants. I will now retire for the night. lol.


You’re also all talking about mixing, mastering, EQing, room… There’s a ton of live recordings, live streamings, electronic music done with headphones… Or you know, just video recorded with your smartphone, and for sure you get an advantage when you use “neutral-ish” stuff with that.

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No worries man lol! Good night :smiley:


And ears!!

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I’m just going to file that under the gear category lol

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Haha. The real ones, not the mini dsp kind! :rofl:


The point is that the recorded music doesn’t make it to the artist/record execs ears by magic from the media. It does it through equipment, the headphones or speakers will have at least 0.5% THD, so picking an amp or DAC based on the best THD isn’t really making things more neutrally.
Anything over about 65 dB’s SNR is irrelevant compared to the error in the transducers in the system.
If you actually look at the measurements of ladder based DAC’s, they for all relevant purposes measure entirely flat and this is true for everything short of some tube amps.
Transducers dwarf everything else in the system for frequency response errors.
So the differences that people are hearing are far more subtle, your really just tweaking the sound of the transducer in the system.

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Looking forward to the future where I can upgrade to the ears pro™

(Although what if it’s no difference in sound and just a cool color scheme like the clear pros)


In the future, perfect sound reproduction will be possible by directly implanting chips into our brains and directly sending the signals so we perceive sound perfectly without relying on our ears… and then of course… audiophiles will still prefer the sound of turntables and R2R DACs



It’s just the colors, and maybe more gain.

Ah yes more gain to compensate when you have hearing loss from mastering at reference level


Harmonic Distortions alla tinnitus…


Lol, I would prefer the naturalness of my “broken” ears to everything “transhumanism-audiophilia”.

I want the cat ears version. :stuck_out_tongue:

cough And a catgirl :no_mouth:


Hell yeah brother :smiley_cat:

Although headphones would become quite the issue

Yknow… I’ve listend to music through my Focal Clears… and my cat will be in my lap… then all of a sudden she’ll look up at me like “WTF was that?!”… makes me wonder if there is some higher frequency going on that freaks her out sometimes. lol


Those magnesium drivers!