šŸ”¶ Tripowin X BGGAR Mele

From what I see in the order history, linsoul got VAT covered for me and applied it explicitly.
They seem to have applied 2% instead of 20%, but then, who am I to judge, hey? :smirk:

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Itā€™s all true.


Hintā€¦ Iā€™m never selling my Mele and I just ordered a second. I no longer own the Lokahi and neither does the guy I sold it to. lol


-_- go * BEEEEEEEP * yourself.


We all have soul searching we need to do. :slight_smile:


In my defense, I sold the Lokahi because I wasnā€™t giving it enough love. I still loved it, but it deserved to be used with more frequency.

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ROFLā€¦ Yesā€¦ I sold my Lokahi to @Sonofholhorse . lol

And we all love when you run out of time for parts of your collection. :smirk:

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Yeah I almost impulse-purchased the Lokahi like you when I got the email that they were ā€œback in stockā€. Always wondered what a good all-BA set would sound like. I still have the Mele and Timeless to look forward to once they ship so I talked myself out of the Lokahi :sweat_smile:


We only have 2 ears lol.


That what my wife told me when she kept receiving packages at home for headphones and IEMs the past 6 months. I replied ā€œā€¦and two hands as wellā€ while looking at her handbag collectionā€¦thankfully I did not have to sleep on the couch that night. :rofl:


ā€¦this is exactly what I meant byā€¦

Everyone should experience everything for themselves if possible (maybe not heroin, but who am I to judge?). You guys might love an all BA IEM. I just learned they arenā€™t for me because of the lack of DD slam and if they arenā€™t vented (none of the all BA IEMs Iā€™ve owned have been) I get a very uncomfortable and painful build up of pressure in my inner ear. Iā€™ve had to visit my doctor because of it itā€™s been so painful and uncomfortable for me.

It really sucks because I really loved the way the DUNU SA6 sounded It was quite ideal for me minus the missing DD slam.

I really hope you guys donā€™t suffer from my issues and can enjoy the Lokahi.


Until Lord Musk makes good on his promise of cat girlsā€¦ not sure how many ears that would be.


If I donā€™t like Lohaki Iā€™ll just flip it and get Oxygen. If I like Iā€™ll keep it an get Oxygen.


(I rly wanna try full BA)


Yeahhh Iā€™m definitely really sensitive to the pressure build up you are talking about and also a sucker for low-end rumble and slam.

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Then you should try all BA, some of my favorite IEMs have come from that I just want to try it idea.

And I realize I am once again talking myself into just getting the 7Hz timeless.

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IMO, everyone should try as many driver setups (and different tonalities) as possible before they go up towards something like the mest.


Yeah then, BA might not be for you, but you should try it if you can and know for sure.

The must have IEM to begin the journeyā€¦ LZ A7



Iā€™m just a lurker generally but just want to say Iā€™m so excited to see what this blue model is going to look like!!! Even if Iā€™m not sold on that one Iā€™m ordering the gold one. Just keen to see what the blue and gold will be likešŸ˜ will be upgrading from the blon 01 for this and possibly getting the 7hz timeless if reviews and comfort are good in the coming reviews. Damn, so glad a single dd like the mele exists because the 01 fit is terrible for me and looks like mele will be good with that (plus a great sound that should beat the 01 based on frequency and reviews so far). Maybe my lurking in this hobby will pay off soonšŸ˜‚