šŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

Yeah, I may buy one for myself in the future. Will have to steal hers from time to time since we listen to the same music library.

I think if she can handle all the crazy spikes and sibilances of the FD5, sheā€™ll be fine with the Olina. Her ears are more tolerant than mine in the highs :joy:

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I feel I owe you an apology I actually did the Tanya mod to my Olinas and they now sound even better!

lesson learned to keep an opened mind


This is so true. I am looking forward to the blue ones being available, and I am certain I will pick up another pair.


More blue in the world never hurt anyone :wink:

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huh blue??

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I strongly believe those were just samples that @hawaiibadboy selected the final design from, however I also dig blue one and would happily be wrong with this statement


Yeah, Tripowin is missing a matching cable, it would be nice with a Tripowin Altea cable but with black metallics and a non-resessed 2-pin connector. The alternate blackish shell would be sweet no matter what face plate they put on it, maybe they are saving it for a retune, different product, etc.


The Blue set is absolutely gorgeous. My goodness.


Agreed that black and white one looks like a monochrome ( that doesnā€™t exist ) EJ07M, which is also pretty cool. Any of them would have worked, but I am always partial to blue. I even paired a nice blue cable with my blue Mele.


I dig the one in the middle. Canā€™t we do a poll and let the people decide which design should be released?

looks like pedicureā€¦fetish anyone lol mos def gonna buy if its releasing with a different tuning warmer sounding tuning I hope! It looks HOT so it makes sense to sound like it too

yo HBB!! did you get my PM?!

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Holy Moly that looks sick!!!

Oh my god those Olinas are gorgeous :heart_eyes: Iā€™d love to see different colors or some slight retune to fix the brightness/harshness (basically just perfect the nozzle/filter?). Iā€™m getting used to the pain the Olina rewards more than it punishes. Iā€™ve noticed that my Olina is a magnet for gunk on the filter, waiting on the Tanyas. None of my other iems have this problem. Whatā€™s up with Tripowin nailing everything else but the filters :man_facepalming:


Makes you work a bit to squeeze out every ounce of performance :joy: Iā€™ve tried:

  • double mesh mod
  • Tanya mesh mod
  • Tanya mesh mod + cotton mesh on front vent (using this now)
  • numerous tips

And now Iā€™m very happy with them :slight_smile:


Honestly, this sounds like fun. Yes listening to music is what itā€™s all about, but this hobby is so much more. I kind of like how engaging the Olina is while music is playing but also when it isnā€™t. Modular (to some degree) beautiful, and they also sound great.

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I just realized that the single ended stock cable is really limiting the true beauty of the mighty Olina, but bear in mind that this is my experience with my system so YMMV. And also two things has changed : the cable and balanced termination.

My gear : Pi2AES > Bifrost 2 > Jotunheim 2 > ddHifi XLR to 4.4mm adapter > NiceHCK LitzOCC 4N Litz OCC Copper Cable 4.4mm > Olina

What changed? The sound become more effortless, microdynamics is better, macrodynamics is a bit better, still as musical, and now the sound feels like itā€™s coming from a full size headphone or speakers. Itā€™s quite an upgrade.

Even if you donā€™t have balanced system, I think itā€™s still worthwhile to upgrade to an aftermarket cable. NiceHCK and XINHS have good cables for cheap. Mine is just $15 at ali.

I know Olina can scales up really well but it really surprised me how high Olina can go. Holy cow!


Did you db match too?..other wise :man_shrugging:

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