đŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

Hello mates, have anyone faced a channel imbalance problem with olina or get a faulty unit ?
I bought olina cause i never heard about QC issues (100$ is much for me actually due to personal situation and country economy situation).

My olina arrived normal and working right but, after few days of use the volume of the left bud is reduced by 2 to 3 dbs approx. By ear (using channel balance of wavelet).
Immediately i thought its moisture issues but, after letting it for a day to dry in room temp., another day in silica, filters replacement and trying it without filters the issue still exists.
Could it be me somehow ?! (I babysit it actually)
is there anything to try before contacting lensol (AliExpress store) for a replacement?

Note:(The set is amazing, but of course not with destroyed center image and positioning)

Can you try switching the cable just to rule that off?

It’s most likely a faulty unit. @hawaiibadboy

I tried to reverse the cable channels, the left bud (which is the right channel now) still has less volume.

Then it’s a faulty unit. Either contact Chris or Linsoul directly.

Also welcome to hfgf. Wish it was in other circunstances.

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Happy to be with you all sir whatever the circumstances.
I’ve contacted lensol actually yesterday day but they took about 25 hours to reply.
So, i asked here hoping it’s not faulty or someone has this problem and fixed it but, i have to wait.
Is the email replies faster than AliExpress store ?

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Hey bro, sorry you are having a problem. Linsoul was doing some team bonding work for a few days. They should reply quick if you contact them on Discord.

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Thanks man, i appreciate your care about your set quality.
I will try discord now.

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Are theese the correct filters and if so does anyone know the difference?
Thanks in advance peeps. Cheers J

C$ 19.91 2%OFF | Tanchjim Oxygen, Hana, oxygen limited Self-adhere Professional Earphone Dust Network Shell Steel Mesh Filter Screen

I don’t know if its authentic 
 but with that price isn’t it better to just get the tanya??

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just get the Tanya at that price lol.

Or go for the 500 mesh wbich is close enough.

@hawaiibadboy if I like the presentation of MEXT but want the vocals to be more forward & maintain the less piercing treble would MEST INDIGO be a good choice?

Yes, the MEXT has BA treb v.s quad EST in Indigo.
It is audible to the ear.

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Thanks for the reply. I just realized this is the wrong thread :sweat_smile:

Dunu Vulkan, Raptgo or Olina???
Best overall iem

all depends on the person and ur taste. I have the olina and S12 like the S12 better

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I think if I were comparing a stock Olina I would feel that way, but the double filter mod flips my answer around.

I need to mess around with some mod work on the S12. I know Michael Bruce has done some videos on this, and I am sure the S12 can have its game upped.


I do not mod, i use wavelet special made templates for eq and only ever play iems on my Fiio M11 ltd.

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That’s cool but EQ doesn’t address some of the Olina’s bass issues. It’s underdamped. Added filter in the nozzle also does better with upper range resonance than EQ will. Don’t get me wrong. what you’re doing is great but adjusting FR it’s not the great equalizer :wink: to determine whether a device has better bones or not.

Bit of a tip for Olina moisture issues, get a little bit of 99% alcohol on a q-tip or tissue and dab on the filter then lightly blow on it for a bit to dry. The alcohol will absorb and make whatever moisture present evaporate within seconds. I’ve done this several times whenever I hear some kind of channel imbalance and it doesn’t affect the filters or their adhesive at all as long as you’re reasonably gentle and not squashing or pushing down into anything. It immediately clears things up and ready for use.

This should work with any IEM with similar filters that’s prone to getting clogged with moisture


Yeah that one is usually the go to solution, not only for the Olina, but for every IEM I own as well, for my ears tend to give a lot of those so called moisture and slippery feel to the ear tips when I have been wearing my own set for a very long time. The moisture as well clogs the sounds of my own IEMs particularly my Airships, but with a bit of alcohol and wiping gets the job done, though a bit annoying when it happens.

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