šŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

Heheā€¦not sure I qualify as an island boyā€¦we just keep going back, at least 15-20 hits so far.
Maybe there is an honorary title in there somewhereā€¦itā€™s the only place wife and I can agree on moving toā€¦and we might.

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I have no interest in moving to or visiting the mainland at all. Go to Vegas and N.Y. for trips.
People ask me where Hawaiian folks go for vacation? Many packages and tours to Las vegas/ grand canyon and are. super popular in Hawaii. Saw Blue Man group when they had 1 team based at Luxor iirc? I expected mehā€¦and had a blast in the front ā€œsplash seatsā€

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Ha, we lived in Vegas for a couple years, crazy ass drivers there! Blue man very fun-indeed. Coincidentally, perhaps the only other place weā€™d live is Japan - lived on sleepy Rokko Island for a spell - love it there


Just saw the Olina SE from the online store where I got the 7Hz Salnotes Zero from. I am not sure if I should get myself a pair since I already have the SeekReal Audio Airships and it may be one of those cases where it can get a bit redundant. Itā€™s not so bad since it is much cheaper than the current one have.

Airship to Olina SE is a sidegrade. IMO


Yeah itā€™s highly likely, but it couldnā€™t hurt to hear how it sounds also since it has been retuned with the help of the community, and it might be a good alternative from keep on using my Airships all the time, for sound burnout is a thing.


I have driven in Vegas several times. I wouldnā€™t put it in my top 3 worst places to drive, but it is certainly top 20. I still think Orlando is the worst US city to drive in. LA is solidly in my number 2 spot, with DC at 3, and Boston at 4.


Do you know how to read graphs?

Theyā€™re really not too different

Thereā€™s more to how a driver sounds then just frequency response but you could just eq down the low end on the airships and get pretty close.

Unless you got money to burn I would just stick with the airships and put the money towards something else that would be a better contrast.

But if you do have money to burn and donā€™t want to mess around with or just donā€™t like eq itā€™s not a big hit to the wallet. They will also go on sale in the nearish future too

Regarding the condensation issue on the OG Olinas, how does it show usually? Channel imbalance? As soon as it appears, do we have to change the filters or leaving the IEMā€™s to rest will make the condensation leave ? Iā€™m trying to be ready, just in case :slight_smile: Any people here without any issue in that regard?

Iā€™ve never had this issue, and Iā€™ve had the Olina for 8 months and counting. It is, by and large, dependent on your local climate, physiology, and user habit. Hope you donā€™t have any issues!

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Sounds good :slight_smile: Where are you from if I may ask?

It happens if youā€™re in a humid and cool (AC ed room) enviroment. humidity is the key factor.
visually youā€™ll see water droplets on nozzle lip. and fitler gets wet. and practically you may start to notice a bit of imbalance. it gets fixed if you leave it for a while.
you have 3 option around this issue:

  1. use a hydrophobic spray on filters (generic sprays that are used for cloths)
  2. use Tanya filter which has hydrophobic material pre-applied.
  3. consider new Olina SE which is said that doesnā€™t have this issue.
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UK! I must clarify: I used double filter mod for several weeks, then switched to Tanya filter mod, which means my experience may not be applicable to others using stock Olina. That being said, I had the stock Mele for several months as well, and again never had issues

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No condensation here either, got them at the start of the year, completely stock since then.

I consistently got condensation buildup with both the Mele and Olina, but it never once caused a channel imbalance or other issue so I never worried about it. If I were to just buy one today, Iā€™d probably snag the SE just in case (and the tuning looks very pleasing IMO).

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Iā€™ve had multiple instances where the condensation effects the sound dramatically in terms of over all volume - it happened a bunch during the winter where the shells got pretty cold just sitting around, going right into my ears. After changing the filter out, it fixed the issue instantly. During the summer, I havenā€™t experienced it.

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I was a day one order on the Olina and they were delivered around the middle of Feb. I have been running double stock filters since a few days after I got them, and never had any problems.

When I got them I was living in Santa Clarita, CA, so no humidity to worry about. In August, I moved to Omaha, NE, which is very hot & humid during the summer. Typically 85% or more humidity, and temps pushing 95F during August and early September.

I havenā€™t dealt with the cold yet, but we get pretty cold.

I think the person is a bigger factor than the local weather, but predicting how it will work for any specific person seems pretty random.


I think youā€™re absolutely correct - with the shells being metal, they do get cold to the touch here in Boston during the winter time. Once I put them in my ears, itā€™s the perfect environment for condensation to appear. But I feel like it definitely depends on anatomy of the person for sure.


I am from a similar climate and will see how it goes. Thanks a lot :innocent:

How do you like the Tanya filter mod? Where did you get the filters from? :slight_smile: