šŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

Itā€™s ok, but I needed to add micropore tape to the front vent to further reduce the treble peaks and increase note weight. You canā€™t buy Tanchjim filters alone, only with their IEMs. I suggest you look at Paul Wasabii 's squig and explore all the mods that heā€™s kindly graphed for us :slight_smile:

Thanks again :slight_smile: I will have a look at his Squig, and also Squig in general, as I am very new to all of this :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the rabbit hole! With the Olina, I think the double mod is absolutely fine and doesnā€™t require additional purchases :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your advice. Yes, I am quite in the rabbit hole now. Before I was limited to headphones and stationary amps/dacs. Now I went mobile :slight_smile:


Currently enjoying a good deal so far. Wonderful companion to my A55 so far!


Is that a benks sony case or fatbear?

I adore my A105 (with some applications turned off lol) despite the fast-ish battery drain but if the A55 had keyword search I would have gotten it long ago lol

Just a 3rd party no name soft silicone cover I got it off from shopee. It was hella cheap!

Yeah. I was told multiple times to just get the A55 and itā€™s been one of my best decisions ever in this hobby. MrWalkmanā€™s custom firmware definitely helps elevate my listening experience a tad bit and I only need to charge my A55 once a week despite using it daily.

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Question to you guys: Regarding the double filter mod, I was looking for instructions. Does anyone have a link? Is there something to watch out for when doing the mod? Thanks guys!

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This should help you out: Olina / IEM damper replacement DIY How to - YouTube

Michael Bruce is worth following!


Thanks a lot man :slight_smile: I will have a look !

Just stick a spare filter (comes in the box) on existing.

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Ok, I see. So no need to replace the original one first. Thanks!

Thatā€™s another mod in which you replace existing filter with Tanya filter.
But double stock filter is the easiest of mods and probably appeal to more people (due to adding more bass)


Not even a week in and the right side of my Olina SE has massive channel imbalance. I didnā€™t even do anything harsh to it. Maybe carbon nanotube dynamic drivers and I just doesnā€™t go well at all. :smiling_face_with_tear:


So I tried tampering with the filters on the right side and decided to just change into a new one that was provided in the box and it sounded okay again? Got me scared for a minute there but Iā€™m gonna keep a close check on it.


Maybe it was the good old condensation issue and you just needed to let it dry for a few minutes :thinking:
Did you wait?

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Iā€™m not sure. I clean it like how I clean my FD5 and Variations as always. For now, it sounds okay again. Itā€™s probably the filter but Iā€™ll be extra careful just in case

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Next time try to wait for a few minutes (or hours) and see if it gets fixed by itselfā€¦!

I thought the condensation issue was fixed on the SE

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They tried some tricks to alleviate it, as they did with olina (from mele), but thereā€™s no way for them to be sure since no-one knows the exact factors of appearance. All we know is that it is linked with a combination of metal shells, anatomy and climate.

The harsh truth is that if you ever experienced it, you probably will experiment it again, but should not see it if you never have with mele or olina OG.