šŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

If you can live with the sound of it, you can try blocking the front vent completely and stop the moisture path to outside your ear. May not help but worth a shot. You could also block of the rear vent a bit if itā€™s too bassy to live with.

Iā€™m starting to think of the Olina like a prototype. Hoping they come out with an Olina Mk2 for like $150 with absolutely no issues. Not too bright at higher volume, filters good, deep insertion build maybe, no condensation, no qc issues, etc etc.


Would be cool if they did all that but with 3DDs. Would be dope with even more detail :exploding_head: Would be willing to pay $300 for that (Serial?). Or 3DDs+2EST or 5DDs at $500~ etc, honestly just looking for an endgame that doesnā€™t cost $1000+ :joy:

Aside from reviewers and hardcore audiophiles most people in this hobby like me arenā€™t trying to spend laptop money :joy: So whichever company can introduce an IEM of endgame caliber at around $500-700 will strike gold with customers like us. 07M and Variations are probably the closest so far. Fingers crossed for future releases :crossed_fingers:


Totally have to disagree with you there on that first point. I just want a better single dd full package.

As for the other point yeah. I feel like if someone can compete with the TOTL endgame sets at sub/around $700 that would be amazing. Iā€™m hoping the S8 will be that for me. But then again how would I know if I havenā€™t tried the kilobuck stuff. Or maybe itā€™d be best to save for the z1r or the Mest and be done with it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I donā€™t know Iā€™ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


I think if you are looking for ā€œthe bestā€ youā€™ll never find it. There will always be something better. For me Iā€™m extremely happy with my Olinas in their current form. Iā€™m very tempted to get there serial but really I think my endgame would be an Olina with a smidge more bass and an mmcx connector (I know I know)

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Iā€™d sayā€¦if you are looking for ā€œthe best ā€œ youā€™ll find it. But there will always be something different.

Thatā€™s how it worked out for me anyhoo :+1:


Just curious, why only single DD if having multiple DDs will help with tech? If youā€™re looking for the best DD set then I donā€™t see a negative to having more if dynamics and coherency is unaffected?

I heard great stuff about the S8 (Variations with more mid-bass and slightly more resolving), hoping some day XENNS or LETSHUOER could drop something identical to the OG EJ07 for half the price haha :rofl: I think that setā€™s probably the closest to being my endgame.

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Yep would never pay over $200 for a iem? I am happy with my olina and S12 for the amount i listen to them. I spend money on my home theater rather then IEMā€™s.

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Olina is a finished product that some may want to change the tonality to preference, like almost every device out there. Most here have never experienced a condensation issue. I canā€™t think of the last IEM that I didnā€™t play with cables and tips to fit my preferences.


Fair, I was thinking more the mindset of one set to rule them all which imo doesnā€™t exist.

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My Olina should be here in around 2 weeks. Iā€™ll be using the Starfield, FD5 and JVC HA-FDX1 as comparisons. (Probably dumps on the Starfield given that set is not great on technicals.)

Will probably also throw in the DUNU Vernus I managed to pre-order 2 days ago which is essentially a non-crap version of the Falcon Bloat Pro given it has significantly less mid bass and more upper midsā€¦ Too bad the Vernus only had a measly production of 100.


Tried the 4.5mm 500 mesh filters from Aliexpress on the Olinas. Can confirm bass is meatier, mids richer, treble tamed and overall note weight has more heft to it. The filters are a bit small but still fit on the nozzles with some tweezer work.


Cable? Looks hot

Thatā€™s the Xinhs graphene w/ grey hardware and L connector. It was inspired by your variations cable actually :rofl:.


Oh nice! I also use it on Olina, but the grey L plug and chinslider threw me off :stuck_out_tongue:

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Has anyone gotten face plate issues? Like cosmetically. Looks way worse in person. And compared to the undamaged faceplate itā€™s night and day. Itā€™s been driving me nuts. I love how nice my sets look and itā€™s setting off my perfectionist to have to look at this all the time. I know I know iems arenā€™t jewelry and first world ocd problems but the Olina is getting less and less recommendable the more stupid issues like this pop up.

Anyone know how to fix this? Or prevent it for that matter.


Looks like it got dented or scratched? The resin they used is pretty soft, and I agree that the polishing wasnā€™t the best.

You can try buffing out the scratches with a very fine grit sanding/polishing paper. Iā€™ve been meaning to polish mine for a while but havenā€™t gotten around to it as itā€™s not thaattt noticeable.


I am guessing they pulled it out of the molds too soon, or something like that. One of mine is far worse than the other. I was figuring, I would try smoothing it out at some point, but I am not too worried.

Just as I heaped some praise on the Hook-X, so too must I exalt the Olina. Iā€™ve got some units out on loan this week so I put the Olina back into regular rotation, and Iā€™ve gotta say: Still stock, still great, still a Hell of a deal! Currently running them with Final Type Es and loving it!


whereā€™d you get grey connector?!! looks gorgeous!!
Iā€™m waiting for mine ā€¦ but itā€™s silver colored
BTW ā€¦ did you use the mesh + stock olina or just 500 mesh ?