Unique Melody Mest

I had buyers remorse the first days after getting Mest MKII, but then they grew on me and now I love them. And I am so glad, I got them.

Enjoy :wink:


After using MEST2 for a few weeks I can tell that I donā€™t like them as everybody else.


Enjoy bud! You do the same.

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The sound is certainly not for everyone! I felt that way with the MK1 and was wondering why I did not like it so much as everyone else did.

What didnā€™t you like about them?

my experience with the MEST MKII has been similar to otherā€™sā€¦ at the beginning, mehā€¦ sure, sound good, but not so much better than other iemsā€¦ then you find the right tips and the right cable, and yeah, maybe better, but still not convincedā€¦ then you start IEM rolling and think jeezā€¦ have these other IEMs always sounded so boring and lifeless???
there is really something special with MEST MKII, something that is not immediately apparent, something not related to the usual things like frequency etc, something that grows on you with time when you use the MEST MKIIā€¦ itā€™s just the most vivid, energetic, spectacular IEM I have.


I think that the problem with MEST2 is that it takes TIME for them to open up for you. I have mine for about a month now and I hated them. They were sounding like a cheap pair of IEMs. Very wrong sound.
But two days ago something happened and now they SOUND like no other IEMs do. I donā€™t know if itā€™s my brain adjusted to the MEST2 or they just needed more time to burn in?

Potentially fit? They are picky in terms of fit and tips

No, not the fit. I was using the same Xelanto tips all the time.

The same for me and same tips. It took 2 weeks where they sounded meh; now they are the best IEM I have :laughing:

Hi everyone, newbie here. I started my journey at a slightly higher price for a beginner to which I bought Fiio FH7 last year after watching tons of reviews, and reading articles. With all the rave and hype of mest mk2, Iā€™m curious and been wondering how big of a step up will it be from my FH7. Currenlty I only listen via streaming to Apple Lossless Music with my M11 Plus dap. I would appreciate your thoughts or if you have better alternative to go for as Iā€™m really on a tight budget. As per my thoughts and experience on FH7, itā€™s good but I do easily get bored with it after listening to some music, I have no specific genre.

Listen with FH7, there is no point in buying other IEMs ā€¦

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I have a UM MEST coming, but just checking on this thread it seems that folks rather quickly shifted their attention to the MEST MKII.

Would anyone whoā€™s experienced both say that the OG still performs quite good after MKII?


Yes. Very alike


Pair on head fi for $650. Still beyond my pay but bodes well for a year or so from now. Good news for someone else!


I bought it ! LOL , and will be deleting my headfi , hifiguide and discord forums as I am not very rich atl all and can only afford 1 iem at a time but i fell into the rabbit hole fairly quickly moving from the JH billie jeans to the Thieaudio L4 to the CLAIRS (just bought it 2 month ago and fits like a glove!) to now the mest OG within a year , I was always curious for that next level up sound but IMO I found the perfect End Game and price tag for me ( i hope it fits well) . or till i can actually afford a 2k IEM this Mest OG will do :slight_smile:
i actually live in India and wont have the mest for another 3-4 weeks till one of my family members brings it over .


Well played.

Clair and OG MEST are perfecto.
Welcome to the MEST end"gang"!!

I can actually only afford to keep just one iem at a time . I am selling the clairs once the mest OG arrives here in india around xmas time , but the clairs fit magically like a glove and I loved it But in the back of my mind had that nagging feeling i want the mest OG and be done with it .

Iā€™m at rest now till i can afford a $2K iem , which is probably never.

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